Pokémon GO Trainers, you have a chance to earn an Unova Stone after you are done with seven research work which you can earn by spinning the Pokestop discs and collection of their stamps, Items that evolve Pokémon has grown the tenure of the game.
There are different integral to evolve certain Pokémon from the Unova Region: Black and White games, Unova Stones can be obtained via breakthroughs in research and by defeating Team GO Rocket Leaders.
How to earn evolution items in Pokemon Go

A maximum of evolution items are currently available that are originated from Johta region of Pokémon: Gold, Silver, and Crystal in Pokémon Go except for the Sinnoh stone which is used to evolve many Pokémon originated from Generation IV’s Sinnoh region.
Effects of the items are as follows
King’s Rock
Evolution Item | Evolves |
King’s Rock | Slowpoke into Slowking Poliwhirl into Politoed |
Sun Stone
Evolution Item | Evolves |
Sun Stone | Gloom into Bellossom Cottonee into Whimsicott Petilil into Lilligant Sunkern into Sunflora |
Evolution Item | Evolves |
Up-Grate | Porygon into Porygon2 |
Dragon Scale
Evolution Item | Evolves |
Dragon Scale | Seadra into Kingdra |
Metal Cost
Evolution Item | Evolves |
Metal Cost | Onix into Steelix Scyther into Scitzor |
About The Sinnoh Stone
As the name suggests, this stone is also used to evolve Pokémon from the Sinnoh region of Pokémon: Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum version. It can be acquired vis trainer-on-trainer PvP rewards.
List of Pokemon evolution using The Sinnoh stone

- Lickitung into Lickilicky
- Rhydon into Rhyperior
- Tangela into Tangrowth
- Electabuzz into Electivire
- Magmar into Manmortar
- Porygon2 into Porygon-Z
- Togetic into Togekiss
- Aipom into Ambipom
- Yanma into Yanmega
- Murkrow into Honchkrow
- Misdreavus into Mismagius
- Gligar into Gliscor
- Sneasel into Weavile
- Piloswine into Mamoswine
- A Male Kirlia into Gallade
- Roselia into Roserade
- Dusclops into Dosknoir
- A Female Snorunt into Froslass
Pokémon GO: Evolution using the Unova Stone

- Pansaga/Pansear/Panpour into Simisaga/Simisear/Simipour
- Munna into Musharna
- Minccion into Cinncino
- Eelektrik into Eelektross
- Lampent into Chandelure
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