Giovanni comes under top villain how is as ruthless in battle as he is ay conducting his criminal enterprise where he has a group of Pokemon that he uses in Pokemon GO but his choice changes on occasions so it’s not easy to beat and use counters on him. He has 5 Pokemon in his commend and that has 2 of his choices set for the beginners and the second pokemon could be any one of the 3 different options.
This article will discuss Giovanni’s Pokemon choices, along with the percentages they may appear in battles.

Remember – This is only for the current iteration of Giovanni’s team in Pokemon Go so this may change in the future.
Pokemon GO: Giovanni’s group of Pokemons
First Slot of Pokemon:
- Persian
Second Slot of Pokemon
- Machamp (44%)
- Golem (44%)
- Cloyster (11%)
Third Slot of Pokemon
- Ho-Oh (it’s pick up is currently Ho-Oh until there is any changes in team GO Pocket’s Pokemon again by Niantic).
Ideal counters to beat Giovanni in Pokemon GO

Counters could be formulated with these pokemon in mind. To beat Giovanni using counters in Pokemon GO and his team quickly, you are advised to deal with super-effective damage to them. Follow done to know plenty of elemental weaknesses which are found in Giovanni’s pokemon.
- Persian– Fightng- type moves
- Machamp– fairy-, flying and Psychic-type moves.
- Golem– Fighting, Grass (2x super effectiveness), Ground, Ice, Steel and water Type (2x super effectiveness) moves
- Cloyster– Electric, Fighting, Grass and rock type moves.
- Ho-Oh– Electric, Rock (2x super effectiveness) and water-type moves.
In order to center in one type, these moves types are important. Keep in mind you select a pokemon that match the same element as they move will provide them with the same STAB that means the Same Type Attribute Bonus.
There are potential Pokemons and moves to counter Giovanni’s Pokemon and send them packing.
Pokémon | Counters |
Persian | Conkledurr using Counter and Dynamic Punch Lucario using Counter and Aura Sphere Machamp using Counter and Dynamic Punch Blaziken using Counter and Focus Blast Sirfetch’d using Counter and Close Comba |
Machamp | Mewtwo using Psycho Cut and Psystrike Gengar using Like and Psychic Pidgeot using Gust and Brave Bird Latios using Zen Headbutt and Psychic Alakazam using Psycho Cut and Psychic |
Golem | Blastoise using Water Gun and Hydro Cannon Gyarados using Waterfall and Hydro Pump Venusaur using Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant Kyogre using Waterfall and Hydro Pump Swampert using water Gun and Hydro Cannon |
Cloyster | Manectric using Charge Beam and Wild Charge Lucario using Counter and Aura Sphere Electivire using Thunder Shock and Wild Charge Conkledurr using Counter and Dynamic Punch Magnezone using Spark and Wild Charge. |
Ho-Oh Counters | Rampardos using Smack Down and Rock Slide Rhyperior using Smack Down and Rock Wrecker Tyranitra using Smack Down and Stone Edge Ampharos using Charge Bean and power Gem Aerodactyl using Rock Throw and Rock Slide. |
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