The latest addition to Pokemon’s mobile games roster has been The Pokemon Trading card game. For those not accustomed to the basics of the physical card game, we have a Beginner’s guide you may refer to. In this piece, we’d be discussing how to build the best beginner decks in Pokemon TCG Live. However, it should be kept in mind that, there are so many cards and deck combinations, that things might get complicated. Also, the decks should be individual’s personal tactics and wit. Nonetheless, this article would provide some key points one should keep in mind while building decks.
Getting started with the decks
To start with, players should get really accustomed to the 60 cards they are going to hold during the game. As said in our Beginner’s Guide, if possible, take screenshots of all the cards, and think about strategies in your leisure time. Also, several ready-made decks are already available in the game.
For further additions, players may purchase packs from the shop in exchange for gems, or receive card packs as rewards. Once you are all set with your cards, try building a new deck, or modifying the previous ones. Remember that, among the 60 cards, there should be a proper ratio between Pokemon, Energy, and Trainer cards. It doesn’t require to be of equal proportions, it just needs to suit your tactics.
Building the best beginner decks in Pokemon TCG Live
In the initial stages don’t try to implement expertise, instead, stick to the decks already there in the game. Gradually start altering a few cards from those available decks. Here are some of the points players should keep in mind while building their Pokemon card decks:
Choosing the Pokemon Cards
- Keep in mind that, only the relevant cards, which would come to use according to strategies should be there in the deck. Don’t just add a Lucario just because you like the Pokemon, while your deck is based upon Suicine.
- Set up a base attacker in your mind. Try to have that Pokemon base card as many as possible. Only 4 similar Pokemon cards are allowed in a deck. Hence, if you have plans of making a Blissey-V card your base attacker, have 4 Blissey-V cards in your deck.
- In case your Pokemon has to evolve, choose the number of Stage 1 and Stage 2 Pokemon cards of it in equal proportion.

- Keep in mind that, if you choose normal base Pokemon cards, your damage and HP might be low, but your opponent would win 1 Prize card if they knock out your Normal Attacking base card. However, if you are having V or V-max cards in your base, your damage and HP might be high, but the opponent may take away more than 1 (2 if V card, 3 if V-max) Prize card, if they knock out your Pokemon.
- Our suggestion would be, to select V or V-max cards, besides their high HP, their damage would be maximum too. Dealing damage to your opponent is the primary objective of this game.
- For Base Pokemon which require Rapid Strike cards on the bench, or at hand to attack, choose ample Rapid Strike Pokemon cards for your deck.
- Also, try to choose Pokemon whose damage-dealing multiplies upon certain criteria. For instance, the Blisey-V card deals +30 damage for each energy card attached to it. The Suicine-V card deals an additional +20 damage for each Pokemon on the bench for both players. Choose such cards.
- Try to keep at least 6 Pokemon cards in your deck, excluding the evolving stage 1 or 2 cards. Try to find Pokemon which doesn’t have to evolve, choosing such cards would save your space for other cards.
Choosing Trainer Cards
The most important part of deck formation is this one. Here are some tips to keep in mind while choosing Trainer cards:
- First of all, center your cards’ selection around your base attacking Pokemon. Read the instructions written on the Pokemon cards you’ be carrying to a match, and choose Trainer cards accordingly.
- Suppose the Attacker card requires lots of attached energy cards to do significant damage, then choose Item and Supporter cards that support the cause and help draw Energy Cards from the deck or discarded pile.
- Also, include Supporter cards like Korrina and Professor Magnolia, which instruct the player to draw cards from the deck. such cards are very essential when you’ve got a poor hand from the shuffle.
- Cards which make the players switch between Active and Bench Pokemon are also very important. Have such cards in your deck too.
- Item tools which stick to the Pokemon until they are knocked out are also very helpful, especially the ones like Cape of Toughness which increase the Pokemon’s HP.
Choosing Energy Cards

- Just basic stuff, choose the type of energy your deck’s Pokemon requires the most. There’s no restriction upon the number of basic energy cards one may choose, hence choose as many as you can (6-7 would be enough).
- There are special energy cards too, which are types of Item cards actually. Choose accordingly.
- Some Energy cards, like this Powerful Energy, enhance the Pokemon’s attacks, do include them in your decks accordingly.
Best Beginner Decks in Pokemon TCG Live: Blissey-V deck
Since there are so many types and numbers of cards, it is not possible to talk about each and every one of them. However, here is a deck suggestion from our side, which might be helpful. This deck is readily available in the game, however, some changes have been made to it. Hope this would help the beginners to some extent.

Base Deck- Blissey V
Pokemon Cards
- Blissey-V x4 (Blissey’s move Blissful Blast does additional x30 damage per the number of Energy cards attached to it)
- Absol basic x2

Trainer Cards
- Dark Patch x3
- Energy Loto x1
- Energy Retrieval x1
- Energy Search x1
- Escape Rope x1
- Hyper Potion x4
- Lucky Ice Pop x4
- Pokegear 3.0 x2
- Pokemon Catcher x1
- Potion x4
- Stadium- Training Court x2
- Supporter- Giovanni x2
- Supporter- Korrina’s Focus x1
- Supporter- Professor Magnolia x3
- Supporter- Zinnia’s Resolve x2
- Big Parasol x1
- Cape of Toughness x4 (Is a must, to increase Blissey’s HP from 250 to 300)
- Choice Belt x1
Energy Cards
- Capture Energy x3
- Lucky Energy x4
- Powerful Energy x4 (This type of card would also do additional damage on behalf of Blissey)
- Dark-Type Energy x5 (Just for Absol, otherwise any type of Energy card would work)
Final Thoughts
With this deck, the priority should be to set up the active Blissey with as many Energy cards as possible. The advantage of a Normal-type or Pokemon with Colors energy is that any type of Energy card goes along with it. An Absol card is just an alternative option for opponents with a Basic Miltank, which doesn’t get hit with attacks from V or V-max cards. Any other Pokemon can team up with Blissey, just because Blissey doesn’t require any special type of Energy.
The deck contains most Trainer cards which help in drawing Energy cards, Healing, and boosting Blissey’s card. This might be how one must play with a deck centered around Blissey. Hope this article would help beginners to this game to set up a new deck on their own. Try your own combinations. Open new packs from reading or buy from the shop and try your own strategies. Losing a game won’t hurt if you win with your own tactics in the long run.
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how would be easiest to get the additional cards?