
Project M: Complete list of characters with their special abilities and more

A lot of characters to watch out for Project M!

Project M is an upcoming tactical shooter game from the Chinese mobile giant NetEase Games. The developers are currently recruiting players to join the beta testing. The game looks very similar to the popular PC shooter title by Riot Games, Valorant as most of the abilities in Project M nearly match all the abilities from the former game. The beta version of the game features a total of eight different characters. Let us look at the walkthrough through all the characters in Project M, and discuss each of all their abilities.

Project M: Characters


Project M characters: Nemesis
Project M characters: Nemesis
  Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityFlashbang2001Blind/CatapultRegular cast0s
Secondary AbilityShadow Corrosion3002Damage/HealRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityReincarnation01UndyingRegular cast0s


  • Description: “I Was Born From Death, Sneaking in Despair”
  • Profession: Duelist
  • Role: Cure/Reborn
  • Difficulty: 2 stars

Nemesis is one of the two duelists from the eight announced characters. Being an Entry character, Nemesis helps to enter the site first and helps to secure the Bombsite with the help of his abilities. His flashbang helps in blinding the enemy while creating space for your teammates to push inside the site. The secondary ability plays a dual role, it can be used for the player to heal. For enemies, it can be thrown as a molly, to inflict damage.

The ultimate ability of Nemesis is very scary. When activated, Nemesis acquires a second life bar making him play aggressively and attack enemies. When enemies kill him or the skill timer runs out he resets himself back to the original location with full health.


Project M characters: Coldcast
Project M characters: Coldcast
 Name PriceAmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityIce Core Trap1002Trap/ControlRegular cast0s
Secondary AbilityGlacial Barrier3001BlockRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityBlizzard01ControlRegular cast0s


  • Description: “The city is not only covered by ice and snow but also people’s hearts”
  • Profession: Guardian
  • Role: Trap/Controller
  • Difficulty: 2 stars

Coldcast is a Guardian-style character with defensive-type abilities. Her passive abilities help her team to completely lock down a particular site. Her primary ability “Ice Core trap” when deployed, sucks in the enemy preventing them to enter the site. The secondary ability allows her to strategically raise an ice wall closing the entry points for a bomb site.

The final and the ultimate ability makes her generate a cold storm and when an opponent tries to enter the storm they will be frozen for a couple of seconds before returning to the normal form. Overall, her kit is suited for laid-back defensive players.

Faith Arrow

Project M characters: Faith Arrow
Project M characters: Faith Arrow
 Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityRecon Arrow01Recon/BoundRegular cast18s
Secondary AbilityExplosive Arrow2002Damage/ReboundRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityFlaming Arrow01Damage/PenetrateRegular cast0s


  • Description: “The Heart is firm enough to make the arrow sharp”
  • Profession: Ghost
  • Role: Scan/Wall-Passer
  • Difficulty: 1 star

Faith arrow is a Bow wielding recon-type character that can be played both defensively as well as offensively. Her main ability ‘Recon Arrow’ allows her to shoot arrows at entry points revealing enemies in the corridor points. The arrows may look easy at the first glance but have a huge learning curve to master the arrows. Faith Arrow’s second ability is also a special fire-based arrow when shot at or near enemies causes them to explode and inflict damage.

The ultimate ability is one of the strongest abilities among all other characters. It makes him launch powerful shock wave-type arrows through walls causing enemies to die if they are in the line of sight of the shockwave.


Project M characters: Storm
Project M characters: Storm
 Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityStorm3001DamageRegular cast0s
Secondary AbilityCloud1003CloakRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityTornado01DamageRegular cast0s


  • Description: “Go to the centre of the storm and see more”
  • Profession: Vanguard
  • Role: Smoke/Damage
  • Difficulty: 3 stars

Storm is a Smoke/controller agent who helps his teammates to both defend as well as attack a particular site, by using his smoke covers. He can strategically place smokes on the map blocking the vision of enemies who are trying to defend or attack a site. His other ability helps him to create mini storms on the map trapping enemies and making them immobile. Though his kit is well put together, his ultimate ability kinda looks a little weak when compared with others.

The ultimate ability ‘Tornado‘ true to its name creates a tornado at a required point causing damages to the enemies. The ability is weak because the enemies can easily escape from the tornado since there is a delay time before it activates.


Project M characters: Sentinel
Project M characters: Sentinel
 Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityRecon Drone01ReconRegular cast30s
Secondary AbilityStun Grenade1002ControlRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilitySeeker Missile01TrackRegular cast0s


  • Description: “The boring talent confines himself to the box”
  • Profession: Ghost
  • Role: Sight/Track
  • Difficulty: 1 star

As the name suggests, Sentinel is also a defensive & offensive style character that suits players who like to have a semi-aggressive playstyle. His tactical recon drone, when deployed, acts as a flying camera and pinpoints all the enemy current locations. The next ability “Stun grenade” helps to stun opponents, trying to move forward and capture a site. The final ability is one of the most important skills.

This will not only benefit the player, but also the entire team. The seeker’s missile when deployed, moves in slow motion, directly towards revealing the location of enemies. This helps not only the player along with the entire team. Therefore, the amount of Intel one can gather through is quite valuable.


Project M characters: Elixir
 Name PriceAmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityHeal01HealRegular cast5s
Secondary AbilitySlowing Vortex2002Cloak/SlowRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityResurrect01ControlResurrect0s


  • Description: “I don’t allow anyone to fall in front of me”
  • Profession: Sentinel
  • Role: Heal/Revive
  • Difficulty: 1 star

Elixir is the only character on the entire list who is a full-fledged support hero. Her entire ability kit revolves around her healing and supporting her team players. The main primary ability ‘heal‘ allows her to help her teammates by providing health. This ability is a bit different from the one from Nemesis, as his ability can both be used to heal himself and his teammates.

The secondary ability is a sort of smoke cover that can be used to cover small entry points. Her ultimate ability is a complete game-changer as it allows her to resurrect any fallen allies again, changing the quotient of the game. She is the complete support character every team should have in their line-up.

Blood Raider

Project M characters: Blood Raider


  • Description: “The Armour embedded in bone & blood will witness my strength”
  • Profession: Duelist
  • Role: Cure/Invincible
  • Difficulty: 2 stars

Blood Raider is the second duelist on the list along with Nemesis. Unlike Nemesis, he is a sort of semi-aggressive duelist who needs to have a calculated approach while taking over a site. His main ability allows players to flash at opponents, this flash is also quite different from Nemesis. The flash from Blood Raider is a static one whereas the former one is dynamic and requires a certain bit of skill to master.

The secondary ability of the Blood Raider allows him to go invincible and travel a certain distance. During the phase, Blood Raider is immune to all attacks and damages from enemies. The ultimate abilityRampage” allows Blood Raiders to enter a mode with enhanced stat boost to weapon fire-rate, weapon switching, and faster reloading time.

 Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityBlack Hole02Blind/PenetrateRegular cast0s
Secondary AbilityHardened Shell2001Invincible/StealthRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityRampage01Strengthen/HealResurrect0s


Project M characters: Blink
 Name Price AmountTypeOperationSkill time
Primary AbilityDimensional Fog02Cloak/Mid-airRegular cast0s
Secondary AbilityHardened Shell2002Teleport/RangedRegular cast0s
Ultimate AbilityTeleport01Teleport/GlobalResurrect0s


  • Description: “Watch me, chase and remember me”
  • Profession: Vanguard
  • Role: Smoke/Teleport
  • Difficulty: 1 Star

Blink is a controller-type agent who can play be picked as a main smoker for the team. Her dimensional fog is very similar to Storm’s smoke ability and can be similarly deployed for covering the various entry points of a bomb site. Apart from her cover abilities, she also has a unique secondary ability that allows her to teleport from one place to another with the help of a click. This re-positional ability can be used for great gameplay tactics as it can confuse your enemies to a great extent. Her ultimate ability “Global Teleport” allows her to teleport to any point of a map during a round. This ability can be used to collect information, flanks, or even fake opponents.

What are your thoughts on the characters which are introduced in Project M? Let us know in the comments below.

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