The New Season 13 of PUBG Mobile has already arrived with tons of new in-game features updates. Amidst which, one feature update has already created massive confusion among the players that is the new KD system. If you have not noticed yet then visit your in-game profile and in the statistics section, you will see that the KD system has been changed in PUBG Mobile.
From now a new KD calculation will be done. You will notice your KD depending on the old calculation in brackets beside your KD depending on the new calculation. Now, you might face a problem of understanding the new calculation. Fear not! Here’s is everything you need to know about this new KD system in PUBG Mobile.
How to calculate KD in PUBG Mobile
In PUBG Mobile, KD represents the Kill-Death ratio of a player and shows the number of kills they have achieved before dying. Both the old and new way to calculate the KD is elaborately explained below.
Old KD System in PUBG Mobile

In the past, this was calculated as the total ratio of all kills and all deaths. It has now been replaced with a new formula. In simple words, the formula was:
Total K/D = (Total Kills including all matches) / (Total Deaths including all matches)
For example, if you played 2 matches of 5 kills each and one match has a chicken dinner, then according to old KD calculation your K/D will be 10.00 (10 / 1 = 10) as the total kill is 10 and death is 1.
New KD System in PUBG Mobile

In the current season (Season 13), the overall average K/D will be based on all modes to make the information more meaningful and to better reflect player’s levels. In simple words, the formula is:
Total K/D = (Total Kills including all matches) / (Total Matches Played)
For example, if you played 2 matches of 5 kills each and one match has a chicken dinner, then according to new K/D calculation your K/D will be 5.00 (10 / 2 = 5) as the total kill is 10 and matches played is 2.
PUBG Mobile New K/D System: Pros & Cons

PUBG Mobile never disappoints its players with updates. The developers are constantly working hard to make PUBG Mobile bigger and better. This new KD system is also a great step by them to better reflect players’ levels. Here’s an elaborate description of the pros and cons of this KD system. This is completely our opinion regarding this updated feature and we have not tried to insult any company or corporation by any means.
The old KD system encouraged camping because a chicken dinner can increase your KD more than a good player who didn’t get a chicken dinner.
For example, a player played 2 matches by camping and got 3 kills on each match and got a chicken dinner on 1 match then the K/D according to the older system will be 6.00 and according to the newer system will be 3.00. Whereas a player played 2 matches by not camping and got 6 kills on each match and no chicken dinner then the K/D according to the older system will be 6.00 but according to the newer system will also be 6.00.
In this way, the new KD system encourages the players who are really good with PUBG Mobile. Also, according to the new KD calculation, you can increase your KD a little bit at the end of the season if you play better even at the season-ending time. Whereas according to the old KD calculation, it was usually very tough to change your KD as you move towards the season-ending and it became saturated at the end of the season.
As previously explained in the pros section, the new KD system completely ignores a player whose win ratio is high although fewer kills. PUBG Mobile is a battle royale game which means survival is the main motive where camping performs a great role. But this new KD system doesn’t consider survival at all. It only depends on the number of kills and total matches played.
For example, a player played 2 matches with 3 kills on each match and got chicken dinners on both matches then the KD according to the older system will be 12.00 but according to the newer system, it will be 3.00.
Whereas a player played 2 matches with 3 kills on each match and got no chicken dinners then the KD according to the older system will be 3.00 but according to the newer system, it will also be 3.00. This means that there is no value of your rank if you are maintaining your KD.
How to improve your KD in this new system
As the system is totally changed now, improving the KD ratio has become much easier. If we take that you are an average player, playing the game in the camping mode will slowly increase your KD. And if you are a player who is kind of aggressive, your KD will improve massively in this new system of PUBG Mobile.
Final thoughts
KD means Kill to Death ratio. But as we already mentioned, the new KD system completely contradicts its own meaning. It’s no more the Kill to Death ratio, instead, it has become the Kill to Matches Played ratio.
That’s all about the new KD system, its calculations and our opinion about this update. If you are still facing any problem regarding this or you have your own personal opinions feel free to comment down in the comment section below.
If you found this article useful, don’t forget to check our other PUBG Mobile guides.
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If i play everyday like 4 to 6 matches and kill atleast 2 players what will be my kd.
It’s a simple calculation… (total kills)/(total matches played)… so accordingly if you have at least 2 kills on each match then your K/D will be 2.00 or more…
What do you mean by All Modes? Does it include either Solo, Duo or Squad?
by mean “All Modes”, does Team Deathmatch and Arena Training included? or just classic mode?
No no… Only classic mode