The aim is one of the most important things to win a gunfight in PUBG Mobile. With a good aim, players can knock any enemy, it does not matter if they are better or not. In this article, we will share some tips and tricks which will help you to improve your aim in PUBG Mobile. By doing these drills every day in the training ground for at least 30 minutes, a player will definitely improve his/her aiming skill and rule the arena.
1. Turn on Aim Assist

Aim assist is an assistive technology in gaming wherein if players scroll their crosshairs towards a target, the game will automatically help them and leave their crosshairs near the target and keep it from going away easily unless the target moves. It is like the legal Aimbot in games. It helps players a lot to aim properly. Always keep it turned on.
2. Select dark crosshair colors

Always set your crosshair color to a dark theme. Dark-colored crosshairs help you to spot and aim quickly to targets on the light-colored grass and open fields. Black and red are ideal for this, try to avoid light colors like yellow and white since they will get blended in the light-colored objects. Also, if you use red dot sight in combats, then you can change the crosshair style according to you. Personally, we prefer the fourth style since it helps a lot to aim a target.
3. Use the Eye button as crosshair

You can use the eye button as the crosshair. It will make your crosshair bigger, which will help you to aim properly. To use this button in this way, just go to Settings > Controls and place the eye button in the middle of the screen. Many professional players use this trick to improve their aim.
4. Use thumbs for a faster aim
If you are a gyroscope player, then use your thumbs to aim instead of the gyro. Aiming with thumbs is more accurate than aiming with the gyroscope. But use this technique only in close and mid-range, you can use gyroscope for long-range sprays.
Training Drills to improve aim
In this section, we will share some drills to improve your aim. If you practice these drills for 20-30 minutes, it will surely improve your aim.
Spray transfer drill

Go to the training ground, pick your favorite gun, do not install any attachments, pick a red dot or holographic sight, pick your favorite scope. For us, it’s the 6x scope. Go to the position shown above in the picture, then shoot those targets in front of you. Do not stop firing while moving your aim and always try to aim in the head. Try hit all targets with a single magazine, you can use an extended magazine. Perform this drill every day.
Moving target chasing drill

Go to the training ground, pick your favorite gun, do not install any attachments, pick a red dot or holographic sight, go to the position shown above in the picture, then shoot horizontally to that shed. Try to keep the crosshair at one line. Do it from right to left and left to right. This drill will help you shoot moving targets.
Moving car chasing drill

Go to the training ground, pick your favorite gun, do not install any attachments, pick a red dot or holographic sight, pick your favorite scope. For us, its the 6x scope. Go to the position shown above in the picture, then aim to the bridge’s railing and shoot horizontally. Assume that the railings are car’s windows. Do it from both the right and left sides. It will improve your sprays in long-range moving targets. Practice it regularly.
Spotting and reflex drill

Go to the training ground, pick your favorite gun, do not install any attachments, pick a red dot or holographic sight, go to the position shown above in the picture, then try hit all those six targets with a single magazine (40 bullets) and do not stop firing while moving your aim. In the early stage, do it slowly and once you are familiar with it, do it as fast as you can. This drill will improve your aim, target spotting, and reflex.
That’s all! Practice the drills in the training ground regularly and you will surely improve your aiming skills. Whether you are using a scope at long range or aiming down sights, once you improve your aim it will help you improve your overall gameplay, increase your kill count and thus giving you easy chicken dinners in PUBG Mobile.
Do you follow any other tips to improve your aim in PUBG Mobile? Let us know also in the comment section below!
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Thanks man. My gameplay is improved a lot. You can play with me VaMPSツLORENZO
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