ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

PUBG New State: What is Merit Point System and how to keep a good Merit Score

Tips to maintain a good merit score!

PUBG: New State, since its release in the last quarter of 2021 has been met with multiple issues, as reported by the community. The developers have been doing their best to make the game optimized. Recently, Krafton has introduced the Merit Point system in PUBG New State. In this article, we will explain the Merit Point system in PUBG New State and the steps to maintain a good Merit score in the game.

Merit Point system in PUBG New State

The Merit Point System in the game is exactly what the name suggests. It is a type of scoring system which works based on the behavior of the player in-game. A player initially starts off with 100 Merit Points, which is the maximum score on the scale. Henceforth, any misconduct in the game by the player will be penalized by a reduction in the player’s Merit score, when reported by a teammate for one particular or multiple reasons.

PUBG New State Merit Point Score
PUBG New State: Merit Point Score for a player (Image via Krafton)

When a player indulges in any malicious activity in-game, such as griefing, sabotaging the friendly players, intentionally knocking and/or finishing them, the said victim can report the player for the above actions by using the Report option. This will decrease the Merit Points of the player. When it is decreased to a certain level, the player will be banned from playing squad matches, until and unless they regain their Merit Points. This can be done by playing solo matches which is a long, tiresome process. Players can check the official announcement here.

PUBG New State: Tips on how to maintain stable Merit Score

The key to maintaining a stable and good Merit Score is to be aware of one’s actions and refrain from indulging in any malicious activity in the game. In some cases, where a player unintentionally harms a teammate by friendly fire, who has somehow come into the line of fire, communication is the key.

The player should be able to convey what he wanted to do and justify his actions as unintentional, or the victim might just report the player. One more thumb rule is to avoid being AFK in crucial moments or being a one-man unit in a squad mode, as it counts as malicious AFK and can account for a justified Merit deduction. Follow the rules and be a fair player, and there will be no negative effects on the Merit Score, happy gaming!

What are your thoughts on the Merit Point System in PUBG New State and the steps to maintain a good credit score? Let us know in the comments below.

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