The Terraria mobile 1.4 patch has squashed many bugs and glitches that were previously available in the 1.3 version, just like how it was done on PC. Many players were exploiting these glitches, so Re-logic implemented a change to balance the game. In this article, we will be discussing the methods to execute the various Duplication Glitches in Terraria Mobile.
What are the duplication glitches in Terraria Mobile?
1. Item Duplication Glitch

The item duplication glitch is a discovered 1.3 glitch that allowed players to duplicate any item they wish into even unlimited quantities. It is such an overpowered glitch that Re-logic had decided to remove it from the game. Here’s how to perform the previous item duplication glitch in the game. This glitch required but a world to play, 4 iron bars, 2 item frames, a chest, and a crafting table. The below steps were taken to duplicate the items:
- Place down the 4 item bars and put a chest on top of it.
- Remove the bottom 2 bars and place a crafting table below it.
- Break the chest and place the item frame above it.
- Break the right side of the crafting table and place another item frame below it.
- Now hold on to an item you wish to duplicate, long-press it above frames with it, and see the magic happen!
2. Multiplayer Duplication Glitch

Even with the patch, there is another glitch now working on the current version which allows you to infinitely duplicate using a single chest. Here’s how you can execute this glitch.
- Create a world or enter an existing world.
- Craft and place down a chest.
- Save and exit the world.
- Go to multiplayer and host a server (any settings).
- Open the chest and place the items you wish to duplicate inside.
- Turn Autosave -> Off
- Force close the game by pressing the phone’s minimize button and swiping Terraria away.
- Relaunch the game and enter as a single player.
- You now have the items in your inventory and the selected chest.
3. Single Player Duplication Glitch

- Create a world or enter an existing world.
- Craft and place down a chest.
- Open the chest and place the items you wish to duplicate inside.
- Turn Autosave -> On.
- Save and exit the world.
- Join back in the same world you made.
- Open the chest and place the items back into your inventory.
- Kill the opponent player who might be respawning.
- Quickly force close the game by pressing the phone’s minimize button and swiping Terraria away.
- Relaunch the game and enter a single player.
- You now have the items in your inventory and the selected chest.
4. Worlds File Duplication Glitch

This older version was overshadowed by the item frame version as it requires world duplication. To do this a couple of relatively easy, but long steps are required:
- Have a world with the items you want to duplicate.
- Place these items in a chest.
- Save and exit the world.
- Now go to your File Manager and locate the Terraria destination folder (Storage > Android > Data > com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid)
- Open the folder and select “Worlds”.
- Now locate the name of your world you see in the folder.
- Copy the .wld and .wld.bak files.
- (Optional) Rename the copied world for easier distinguishing by renaming it to anything before the .wld and the .wld.bak file type. For example, if you wish to change Terra.wld to Blizzard.wld then also change Terra.wld.bak to Blizzard.wld.bak.
- Exit and launch Terraria.
- Now select and enter the copied world.
- If you can’t see the copied world, recheck all previous steps were taken and restart Terraria.
- Now take the items from the copied world chest.
- You may reenter the original world with the collected items.
5. Player File Duplication Glitch

The world duplication is done by copying worlds, however the same can be done with player files.
- Have a player with items stored within the inventory which you wish to duplicate and also have a chest.
- Save and exit the world.
- Now go to your File Manager and locate the Terraria destination folder (Storage > Android > data > com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid)
- Open the folder and select Players.
- Now locate the name of your world you see in the folder
- Copy the .plr and .plr.bak files
- (Optional) Rename the copied world for easier distinguishing by renaming it to anything before .plr and the .plr.bak file type. For example, if you wish to change Dan.plr to Ben.plr then also change Dan.plr.bak to Ben.plr.bak
- Exit and launch Terraria
- Now select the copied player
- If you can’t see the copied player, recheck all previous steps were taken and restart Terraria
- Enter a world and place the items from the copied player’s inventory in a chest
- You may now delete the copied player and enter the world with the original to collect your stored items.
The worlds and player files can be copied an unlimited amount of time. But it depends on the quantity of the stored items in the chest. This means the more items are stored inside the chests, the more items can be carried over to the original/existing world.
That’s all we got for today regarding the Terraria Mobile Duplication glitches. If you found it helpful, let us know your opinions in the comment section below!
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this is good thanks do you have info on dupe glitch for computer?
No sadly 1.4+ patched a ton of things, but there’s sure to be a yt tutorial out there that has some workaround. People would rathet use an all items world or modded server nowadays.
here is one that will basically always work,
go on to multiplayer with the item saved in your inventory (save and exit and then log back in), place it in a chest and then close terraria from the computer side if things (not through the saving and exiting way,) and then log back in and you have duped in item in a way that should work in any version