
Among Us: Custom Bot can do everything you want in the game

Create your customised bot now!

Among Us is one of the current favorite murder-mystery games being played on cross-platform. This game has two roles mainly – imposters and crewmates. Being an imposter, players will have to kill other crewmates to win the match, and being a crewmate, players will have to complete tasks, find hidden imposters to win the match. Moreover, if you are communicating with your in-game friends over Discord, you can add Among Us bots to improve your experience. The Among Us bots serve a similar purpose to regular Discord bots. However, you can customize the Among Us bots according to your preferences while playing the game. In this article, we will discuss about everything you need to know about the Among Us custom bot.

About the Custom Bot in Among Us

Recently, a Reddit user named ‘AltskOP’ posted a short video clip of their custom bot GlaDOS which can do tasks swiftly, can lie to other players, report dead bodies and killers. The character was created by Erik Wolpaw and Kim Swift and voiced by Ellen McLain.

It can say hilarious dialogues in the chatbox when the emergency meeting is going on. Its voice is much similar to an AI-based character. Now you can also the same to have a custom bot added to your lobby. These custom bots will do whatever your preferences are for them. You just have to create and add them in your servers.

How to create a Custom Bot in Among Us?

Among Us Custom Bots
Image via Discord Bot List

Downloading a bot to your Discord server is a simple task. You just have to follow these steps to get your own custom bot in the game.

  1. Verify the Email address that you have entered while registering your profile in the game.
  2. Navigate to Options, click on Settings, and choose roles for your custom bot.
  3. Visit the Discord bot list website and select the Among Us bot that you would like in your Discord server.
  4. Click on add bot, and you will be provided a link after which you will be prompted to log into your Discord server.
  5. Up next, you will be redirected to a page that asks you to select your preferred server. Remember, this is where your Among Us bot will be added to.

Once you have clicked continue, a list will appear asking you to confirm the bot permissions. Here, you have to select all the roles that you would like to assign to your custom bot.

How to Activate your Custom Bot in the game?

Just creating your custom bots won’t do the needful. You need to authorize or activate your bot to add it in your server. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Click on the authorize option after you have assigned the roles you wanted in your Among Us custom bot.
  2. Fill in the reCAPTCHA that then appears on your screen. This will verify the bot and add it to your server.

Once you have completed all the steps, your custom bot is ready for your next Among Us match! If you want to alter the role of your new bot, you can do so in your Discord server whenever you wish.

Have you created and activated your Custom Bot in Among Us yet? Let us know your reactions in the comment section below!

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