In the current atmosphere of online multiplayer games, it is very hard to hack or cheat and successfully get away with it. The same goes for Call of Duty Mobile. There are various ways to hack and cheat in this warfare-based game. But obviously using them is bad and cheaters never prosper. In this article on COD Mobile Hacks and Cheats, we show why you should not use any hack or cheats in the game just to get to glory.
What are the Hacks in COD mobile?
The hacks that exist in COD mobile are pretty much the same hacks that exist in every other online fps games out there:
- Aimbot – locks onto the enemy and shoots.
- Triggerbot – automatically shoots when your crosshair is over an enemy.
- ESP/Wallhacks – highlights/shows where enemy players are.
- Silent Aim – pretty much aimbot but its meant to look legit.
- Spin bot – from everyone else’s perspective, the hacker is spinning around non stop extremely fast.
These are the hacks that are predominantly being applied by many gamers. But we would request you all not to practice such acts, nor do we endorse such hacking methods. Using these hacks can lead you to get banned from the game permanently.
Why you should not use any cheats in COD Mobile?
As days pass by, more and more types of hacks are coming into the market. But one thing should be made clear by all gamers that using these hacks can lead you to get banned from the game permanently. Recently, 70000 players were banned from Call of Duty Warzone by Activision due to cheating/hacking the gameplay. So it is better to play fair and not take shortcuts just to win a match. Fellow players can easily report you for hacking or cheating in the game. So, it’s better to be cautious from the beginning.
How to report someone for cheating in COD mobile?
1. Find the red button at the top right of the screen
Now, what if you are facing a player who has been cheating or using hacks all throughout the game? Simply report that player after the match ends. As soon as you get to the match end screen, you will see a red box at the top right corner of your screen like this:

2. Select the options for which you want to report the player
After you click on that icon, you will be redirected to the Report page where you can report the players whom you faced cheating in the game. Just select the option shown there.
3. Click on Report
Now tap on the report button. But beware, if you do the same, then you also might be reported and continuous reports will lead you to a Permanent Ban.

So that is pretty much summed up about the COD Mobile Hacks and Cheats why you shouldn’t use them anytime in the game.
We hope you find this COD Mobile Hacks article helpful and would refrain from using them by any means. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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So pretty much if you report a cheater you get banned too… No incintive to report cheaters ..there on you tube right now exploiting a zombie glitch we’re they can jump over one of the gates ..and pin in zombies ..and kill without getting attacked and fortune?
kamarultiwin please report this acc Because this acc toxic people