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Albion Online announces its next major update named Into the Fray

New features and improvements coming to Albion Online in 2022

Albion Online is a free-to-play medieval fantasy MMORPG developed by Sandbox Interactive and is set to get a new update titled Into the Fray. The game has received critical acclaim worldwide and is based on Arthurian legends. Last year the game won the Deutscher Entwicklerpreis (German Game Developers Prize) for Best Mobile Game.

Albion Online continues to engage players with new updates

The game continues to grow every day and is captivating players all around the world with new updates and features. Robin Henkys the game director of Albion Online has shared information about the upcoming updates of the game in the latest dev talk. The next update will be going live at the start of the next guild season. According to Henkys, the topmost priorities are to “keep improving Albion Online’s open world, update old content and make the game accessible to many people as possible”, he further said, “They have been working on a massive overhaul of weapons and the revitalization of the crystal league.

Albion Online Into the Fray
Image via Sandbox Interactive

Henkys further said that they have also developed a feature called The Mist which is a massive expansion of the Roads of Avalon dedicated to solo players of the game. Currently, the dev team is working on all these features but all of these cannot be released in one update. So, they are releasing those features in “Into the Fray” which play an integral part in guild seasons.

Into the Fray update will introduce some essential features in Albion Online

The following features are included in the Into the Fray update:

Magic Staff Overhaul

  • Fire, Holy, Nature and Cursed Staffs will receive a thorough overhaul in this update
  • This means new animations, VFX, audio, and even some new spells
  • Arcane and Frost Staffs will also receive an overhaul in a patch following the update

New Crystal Arena and Crystal League Improvements

  • A new Arena mode that uses Crystal League match rules
  • There will also be a non-lethal Crystal League, in addition to the current lethal Crystal League
  • These new systems will make it easier for players to enter the Crystal League and build up their skills without worrying about gear costs

Castle Overhaul

  • Castles are receiving a complete update to their graphics, layout, and battle flow
  • Castles and Castle Outposts will also receive new loot chests
  • These chests will be available throughout the day, driving constant action

Dynamic Events

  • Daily events will be added to the game
  • These will encourage engagement with particular features, such as Hellgates or Corrupted Dungeons
  • Short-term crafting bonuses will also add market fluctuations and new dynamics to the game

Outlands Travel Improvements

  • Into the Fray will make traveling into the Outlands more convenient and more accessible to new players
  • New Portal Towns offer a safe arrival point
  • The New ‘Journey Back’ ability on mounts reduces long walk times for return journeys

Other Improvements

  • Victory Emotes give players a way to mark PvP victories
  • Training Dummies for Player Islands
  • Tooltips for zone exits
  • Party UI improvements

Apart from these a lot of other features will also be included which will help in improving Albion Online’s open-world gameplay. The developers are working very hard to finish working on The Mist and other features to release them with future update patches.

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