
Clash of Clans Lunar New Year 2023 event brings new Lunar Queen skin, in-game challenge and more

Welcome to the Year of the Rabbit!

Lunar New Year events are always special in Clash of Clans as the team try creative things to engage the fans. This time in the year of the rabbit, Clash of Clans has exciting events in store for the players as a part of the Lunar New Year 2023 festival with a new Archer Queen skin, an in-game challenge and more.

Clash of Clans Lunar New Year 2023 magic is here

The Clash of Clans team has come with some exciting offers for the players, which can be accessed in-game. To make the event special, Clash of Clans has prepared a themed skin along with a custom scenery that will help in celebrating the Lunar Year in a colorful way.

The most attractive offer is the brand-new Archer Queen skin. The Legendary Lunar Queen skin includes a custom model and textures while being equipped with visual and sound effects. The Special animations are another plus and it has its very own custom-spawned units, making it a unique skin. This is available for purchase via the in-game shop.

Magic Theatre Scenery is another beautiful part of this event, which can be purchased from the shop. This offer comes along with 2.5 million Gold and Elixir. In the scenery, players can notice an open theatre with the base surrounded by lights and buildings of tradition.

Test your skills in the Lunar New Year Challenge

As a part of the ongoing event, Clash of Clans also has a Lunar New Year Challenge running. The Challenge is to 3star the Town Hall 10 base and get 400Xp along with a Shovel of Obstacles as a reward. However, the challenge is not as easy as it seems, because it isn’t a normal TH10 base. Plenty of traps and buzzing from the Teslas make it a tough nut to crack.

Clash of Clans Magic Theatre scenery
Image via Supercell

So, how can you clear it? Well, we need not follow any routine strictly, however, a strategic plan while attacking is the basic rule to follow. With the Lavaloon strategy already among the troops, players might feel a bit troubled to 3star the base.

Tips to beat the CoC Lunar New Year Challenge 2023

Lunar Challenge Strategy
Lunar New Year Challenge Strategy to follow (Image via Supercell)
  • Activate the traps. You have balloons to do this job. At the three corners (bottom, top, and right) drop one or two loons so that you can trigger the traps, and poison tower while you lure the skeletons out. The Barbarians and Wallbrakers, follow the same.
  • Save two wall breakers for the need of creating a space for the heroes, most preferably near the Grand Warden statue or the bottom side of the Air Defense.
  • You can start your queen walk on any side, from the top or right, however, do place the poison spell perfectly so that you can clean out the majority of the skeletons in one go. On the top side, use lava and loons in the castle to take out the sweepers and inferno towers.
  • Clean out the teslas using the balloons, but make sure you spare at least 16-18 loons to take out the other areas using the Lavahound.
  • Deploy the King and skeleton spell in the area you’ve broken through to take out multiple defenses. Rage them if you want. Clean out the area with a couple of loons if you want.
  • Once the King and Queen enter the base, perform the LavaLoon attack with the spells remaining while clearing out other defenses with spare loons. Use the rage on healers/loons in the middle along with the use of heal spell at the right places.

Three-starring this base isn’t easy and one shouldn’t expect this to be done on his/her first try. However, you can check the base once to see where the traps are so that you can preplan the attack in advance and then apply your strategy to achieve the result.

What are your thoughts about the Clash of Clans Lunar New Year 2023 event and challenges? Let us know in the comments below!

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