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Fortnite Reboot Rally event brings new Rewards, Challenges and more

The Reboot Rally Fortnite event, which will give players the option to acquire free cosmetic goodies like a wrap and pickaxe, has been announced by Epic Games. Gather your pals who haven’t played Fortnite in a while or who have only recently started playing Chapter 3 Season 4 during Reboot Rally and show ’em what’s new this Season. You and the returning or new friends you’re playing with will accumulate points as you complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals, which will qualify you for in-game goodies.

How to get the Reboot Rally Fortnite Rewards

Anyone who has played fewer than two hours of Fortnite in the 30 days before Chapter 3 Season 4 is eligible, whether they are a returning or new player. Anyone who has played Fortnite for more than two hours in the 30 days before Chapter 3 Season 4 is considered an active participant. From September 19 at 9 AM ET to October 3, 2022, at 9 AM ET, Reboot Rally is open for business.

  • Whether you’re an active player or a returning/new player, open the friend’s tab in the Lobby Sidebar to see the Reboot Rally section.
  • If you’re an active player, you’ll see returning/new friends you can party up with to complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals. If you’re a returning/new player, you’ll see active friends and fellow returning/new friends you can party up with to complete the Quests and Bonus Goals.
  • Instead of partying up right away, you can also rally your friends, meaning you’ll be presented with a QR code. Share this webpage with your friends so they can learn more about Reboot Rally!
  • Party up with one, two, or three friends (or more friends if the mode supports it) so you can complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals together. These Quests and Bonus Goals are findable on the “Quests” page. Quests and Bonus Goals don’t need to be completed with the same friend(s), so feel free to mix and match which eligible friend(s) you party up with.
  • As you complete the Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals together, you and your participating friend(s) will earn points. Collect points to earn in-game rewards! You can keep track of your points and the rewards you can earn on the “Quests” page. 
Fortnite Reboot Rally Event
Image via Epic Games

Collect points from Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals to earn cool (or rather, hot) rewards:

  • 50 points: Barb-B-Q Emoticon
  • 100 points: Freshly Forged Wrap
  • 150 points: Red Hot Revenge Pickaxe
  • 200 points: Fiery Descent Glider

What are your thoughts on Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 Reboot Rally Event? Let us know in the comments below

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