ActionBattle RoyaleNews

Fortnite v20.40 update brings Racetracks, Clouds and more

Plethora of contents in store for the players!

Over the course of each season, Fortnite new releases are what keep gamers interested in the game. These upgrades introduce new POIs, spice up the loot pool, and are eagerly anticipated by fans. And now, the Fortnite v20.40 update has arrived in the game, and here’s what players can expect from the fourth content update of Chapter 3 Season 2.

Fortnite Battle Royale v20.40 Update

Wield the returning Sideways weapons in the Sideways Showdown Week

Although the Sideways are nowhere to be found, Sideways weaponry has returned! The Sideways Rifle and Sideways Minigun are out of the vault for Sideways Showdown Week, which runs from now through May 24, 2022, at 8:59 AM ET.

Fortnite v20.40 update
Image via Epic Games

These weapons can be found in chests and on the ground for the second time in a conflict concerning the Island’s fate. Without Cube Monster Parts, you might think how can Sideways weaponry be upgraded. So you just have to bring them to an Upgrade Bench!

Show off your Sideways weapon skill to earn bonus XP: Quests for the Sideways Showdown Week are available throughout the week! When the second themed week begins on May 24 at 9 a.m. ET, look for a new set of Special Quests.

Speak with your Bars in the Shield Bubbles vs Balloons

Fortnite v20.40 update
Image via Epic Games

Speak with your Bars, for the Shield Bubbles/Balloons trial period is now over, and it’s time to vote! All big POIs have Funding Stations that put the two products against one another, so go to one and give Bars your favorite choice. The first pick to get 100% funded based on everyone’s worldwide contributions wins and immediately enters the treasure pool!

Continue Utile Tactics in Zero Build

Fortnite v20.40 update
Image via Epic Games

Utility item drop rates were temporarily boosted last week to coincide with the trickshot unvaults. Shockwave Grenades, Rift-To-Gos, and Cow Catchers will all have their drop rates boosted indefinitely in Zero Build! Maintain your traversal and aggressive transportation.

V-Bucks purchased on PlayStation join Fortnite Shared Wallet

V-Bucks purchased on PlayStation can now be used on any platform (PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Android, and cloud gaming services) that supports Fortnite Shared Wallet as of version 20.40. The V-Bucks earned through the Battle Pass, Quest Packs, or Save the World on any platform are shared across all platforms. For additional information, see our recent blog post on Fortnite Shared Wallet.

The Server region changes for the Middle East

The Middle East server region’s networking options have changed. If you have manually set the server region to the Middle East, it has now been reset to Auto to guarantee that all players in the region enjoy the optimal experience.

This means that some players who were previously linked to servers in the Middle East will now connect to servers in Europe or Asia. Check the Compete tab in-game for information on Cup start timings. If players want, they can return to the Middle East server location, but be aware that this would likely result in high ping.

Competitive updates

  • Arena Fill has been enabled.
  • The Sideways Showdown unvaults are not included in competitive playlists.
  • The winner of the Shield Bubbles vs. Balloons vote will not be unvaulted in competitive playlists.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue involving players not receiving social notifications if they were in a match at a party with another player.
  • Fixed an issue involving the UI of the Anvil Rocket Launcher not appearing.

Fortnite Creative v20.40 Update

Prepare to build your dream track with the v20.40 improvements, which include 11 new galleries! They have 9 Racetrack Galleries with straightaways, twists, and guard rail props within the galleries. While you’re looking out the new race circuit galleries, stop by the Cloud Prop for some shade!

Fortnite v20.40 update
Image via Epic Games

Previously, creating a cloud required the use of snow and other props. We’ve listened to your input and now you can add fluffy clouds to any map! Primitives Shapes Gallery B, which includes 16 new creation materials, has arrived for your usage.

Promotion of Islands enabled with XP

Epic Games is revising its policy on in-game advertising of Islands with XP enabled to ensure a fair and uniform experience as part of our Discover experience. Mentioning XP in photos, trailers, or the Island description is potentially deceptive and will be prohibited; however, utilizing the XP tag is still permitted! Please double-check your Island assets for new or updated Islands to verify they accurately reflect the experience your map offers.

Other Improvements and Adjustments

Major Updates and Changes

  • You can now turn on/off sliding on a per team/class basis.
  • New options have been added that allow creators to change how Overshield and Sprinting function. 

These can be accessed by setting Overshield: More Options and Sprinting: More Options to SHOW. These changes are in the Class Designer and Team Settings and Inventory Devices. Users can also use the My Island Game tab settings to set the Overshield and Sprinting options. 

  • New media has been added to the Video Player. You will now have the option to use the Party Royale Mix in the Video Player in addition to the six available music videos created by xDogged.
  • Fixed collision issues with the giant rock base in the Spire Gallery.
  • Fixed an issue with the barrier prop, from Chonker’s Speedway Prop Gallery, from not having a bottom texture.
  • Fixed an issue with IO Blimp and The Fortress assets getting destroyed from players’ buildings.
  • Fixed an issue with the IO Blimp Archway from not having a side base texture.

Device fixes

  • The Mounted Anti-Vehicle Turret is now the Heavy Turret and the Mounted Artillery Cannon is now the Siege Cannon.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tracker wouldn’t update properly for all teams when multiple teams were able to instigate
  • Fixed an issue where trackers would disappear after a player leaves the game
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when ending a game while a prop mover was in motion the prop wouldn’t be placed back in its original position
  • Fixed an issue where the prop mover couldn’t move lava tiles
  • Fixed an issue where players would lose all functionality when joining a match in progress where they spawned into a damage volume that was set to only eliminate a different team
  • Fixed an issue where using conditional buttons with high resource requirements would cause a server crash
  • Fixed an issue where that caused the enable/disable settings for the elimination manager to not function
  • Fixed an issue that causes fire volumes to be visible when joining games in progress
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a color on the SkyDome device would cause a soft crash 

Gameplay fixes

  • Fixed an issue that cause the character animation to break when entering an occupied vehicle using a button
  • Fixed an issue that prevent the flashlight to not turning on and producing light

Aside from that, the devs have fixed an issue in the creative inventory where some goods were missing tags or were using the incorrect tag.

We hope you find this Fortnite v20.40 update article helpful. Then, please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone. 

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