Genshin Impact Version 4.4 Phase 1 banners will go live after the server maintenance on the 31st of January, 2024, and will last till the 20th of February, 2024 at 17:59 server time. The Version 4.4 Phase 1 banners will feature one new 5* character, one new 5* weapon, and one new 4* character.
Genshin Impact Version 4.4 Phase 1 first character banner: The Crane Soars Skyward
This banner features the debut of the event-exclusive 5* character “Passerine Herald” Xianyun (anemo/catalyst). She is the human form of the Adeptus Cloud Retainer, the master of Ganyu and Shenhe.

Xianyun will be accompanied by the 4* characters “Leonine Vanguard” Gaming (pyro/claymore), “Enigmatic Machinist” Faruzan (anemo/bow), and “Chivalric Blossom” Noelle (geo/claymore) who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
All of these 4* characters (except Gaming) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates. Gaming will be added to the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation from version 4.5 onwards.
Genshin Impact Version 4.4 Phase 1 second character banner: The Moongrass’ Enlightenment
This banner features the second rerun of the Dendro Archon “Physic of Purity” Nahida (dendro/catalyst) since her release back in Version 3.2.

Nahida will be accompanied by the 4* characters “Leonine Vanguard” Gaming (pyro/claymore), “Enigmatic Machinist” Faruzan (anemo/bow), and “Chivalric Blossom” Noelle (geo/claymore) who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
All of these 4* characters (except Gaming) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates. Gaming will be added to the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation from version 4.5 onwards.
Genshin Impact Version 4.4 Phase 1 Weapon banner: Epitome Invocation
This banner introduces the new 5* weapon Crane’s Echoing Call (catalyst) which is the signature weapon for Xianyun. This banner also features the rerun of A Thousand Floating Dreams (catalyst), which is the signature best-in-slot weapon for Nahida.

This banner also features the event-exclusive 4-star weapon Lithic Spear (polearm) as well as the 4-star weapons Sacrificial Sword (sword), Sacrificial Greatsword (claymore), Sacrificial Fragments (catalyst), and Sacrificial Bow (bow), all of them will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
Among these 4* weapons, Sacrificial Sword (sword), Sacrificial Greatsword (claymore), Sacrificial Fragments (catalyst), and Sacrificial Bow (bow) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates.
Why should you go for Xianyun or Nahida in Genshin Impact
Xianyun is an interesting character since she enables anyone to do high DMG using plunge attacks. The viability of this playstyle is to be tested once she is released. Players are advised to wait a few days before pulling for her. On the other hand, Nahida is a META-defining character who enables many weaker characters to shine, and many strong characters to push the ceiling of their DMG potential. It is always advisable to pull for Nahida.
As for the 4* characters, Gaming can be obtained for free from the Lantern Rite event. Faruzan is a niche Anemo support character designed to increase the DMG of characters like Xiao and Wanderer. Noelle is a Geo tank/healer/DPS who is seeing an increase in demand since she synergizes pretty well with Furina.
Both of the 5* weapons are worth pulling, however, Nahida’s weapon has a higher pull value since she is a more generalist support who can be used in multiple teams. As for the 4* weapons, the Sacrificial weapons are pretty great for characters with long cooldowns on their Elemental Skill.
What are your thoughts about the Genshin Impact Version 4.4 Phase 1 banners? Let us know in the comments below!
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