Legends of Runeterra Patch 1.16 (LOR) will be coming out tomorrow. Bringing the new expansion Cosmic Creation as well as a few other things we will go over in this article.
Prismatic Card Styles and Essence
There’s a new way to customize your cards. You can upgrade them to Prismatic: a shinier, prettier version. Once you upgrade one copy of a card, you automatically upgrade all copies, even if you don’t have all three yet. Note that once you upgrade a card to Prismatic there is no going back, but in the future, they will implement a system where you can toggle on/off different Prismatics.

You can upgrade cards to Prismatic via the new Prismatic Chests. Opening one of these gives you an option between three cards where the one you choose will become Prismatic. You can earn these chests through the new Card Styles Quests (different from daily quests) and as ranked rewards. The higher your rank, the more Prismatic Chests you’ll get at the end of the season!

You will also receive Essence from these chests. Essence is a new resource. It’s similar to shards. You can use Essence to upgrade a card of your choice to Prismatic. You can get Essence from Prismatic Chests, Essence Pouches, and quests. Coins, the game’s premium currency, can also be used to upgrade a card to Prismatic.
The patch notes mentions that this is only the beginning of card customization and that they are planning more.
Region Road Updates

As expected, the region roads of Targon, Noxus, and Piltover, and Zaun will go up to 30. And a Zaun card back will be added to the Piltover and Zaun road at level 29.
All other region roads will also go up to 30. Each one will reward a unique icon at level 30.

Special Lab: Multilab
This is a permanent addition to the Labs game mode. Labs will now host three Labs as opposed to one. One of these will be periodically cycled for another.
The three Labs we’ll get with this patch will be Quick Draw: each round gives you a new hand of random, cost-reduced cards. Star Power: choose a premade deck or construct your own. Then choose one of five passives that’ll affect the way you play your deck. And Journey to the Peak: the only PvE Lab so far. Battle your way to Targon’s peak with Leona or Diana with a unique special ability of your choice.
- New Board: The Undercity and new Guardian Nyandroid Von Yipp

- New card back and four new Emotes

The Zaun Bundle, which includes The Undercity Board, Nyandroid Von Yipp Guardian, and a Bundle-exclusive Calculated Creations Icon will be available for 1422 coins.

There will also be a new deck bundle: The Forged for Battle Bundle. It includes a collection of cards focused on combat buffs and combos to make the most of Riven and Taric’s abilities. It will cost 2034 coins.
That concludes everything of relevance within the Legends of Runeterra Patch 1.16. We will be getting it earlier than usual, but it can be assumed the next patch will follow the normal schedule.
Are you excited about the Legends of Runeterra Patch 1.16? Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, We’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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