
Minecraft 1.18.2 Update: New features, additions and more

Lot of improvements in Minecraft!

Mojang has released the latest Minecraft 1.18.2 Update and has also provided important details about what is new in this updated version. Although the game has not seen a massive content change, there are still more than a few things that the fans and the community should be aware of.

The improvements in the new update include changes to universal tags and the new place feature command. This comes along with functionality for custom modpacks to alter cave generation and add custom structures to a given world.

Minecraft 1.18.2 Update: Patch notes

In the 1.18.2 version, there are several general changes and technical tweaks that have been introduced in Minecraft. Those who use custom modpacks or commands quite a lot will adapt to these changes effectively.

Minecraft 1.18.2 Update
Image via Majong Studios

General changes

  • The South Korean community have received gameplay timers, as well as reminders to take breaks. This is in compliance with the country’s gaming guidelines.
  • The number zero used as a seed, is no longer considered as a special case.
  • Any spaces placed in a seed’s input field, before or after the numbers will be removed.
  • Dolphins have seen improved navigation towards structures, when players feed them.
  • Ender Chests will no longer be gift-wrapped during Christmas Holidays.

Technical changes

  • The locate command is now able to find configured structures, such as deserts, villages or beached shipwrecks, instead of simply finding the “village” or “shipwreck” structures widely.
  • The locate commands now use a namespaced ID parameter. For example, players can locate “desert_village”, by using an underscore. The Nameplaced IDs not only allow players to use letters or numbers, but also symbols such as slashes and underscores.
  • After the update, both the locate and locate biome commands can now utilize support tags.
  • Custom structures can now be executed in custom datapacks.
  • The custom datapacks can now manipulate the way that cave generate.

Minecraft 1.18.2 Update: What’s new

Minecraft 1.18.2 Update
Image via Majong Studios

New Placefeature command

  • The new Placefeature command can place a configured feature at a specific set of coordinates.
  • The current Placefeature syntax is “/placefeature <id> [pos]”
  • ID is the configured feature to be placed by the players.
  • Pos can be referred to as the coordinates of where the feature would like to placed.

Caves and structures

  • The noise generation of caves have been reduced, but gained the field “noise_router.”
  • Registries were included for cave density, which can be adjusted to form caves.
  • Exploration maps can now have their destination tags configured, changing the destination of map when found in a loot table. The display name for the map is no longer automatically set.

Univeral Tags

  • Tags can now be determined for any registry within registry.json.
  • The new tags can be found in the datapacks under the “tags” directory.
  • Some parts of the world generation field, which previously accepted only lists of element ids can now accept tags.
  • Some tag fields now require # symbols, before a certain ID are inserted.

That’s all for the Minecraft 1.18.2 Update.

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