The new Hero of Cici has just recently been released on the MLBB Advanced Server with the latest Patch Update. Her release would imply she is going to be the 123rd Hero in Mobile Legends. This hero is pretty unique and amazing, as she is a physical damage Fighter hero who’s equipped with a Yo-Yo as her primary weapon. Thanks to the Yo-yo, she gains extra movement speed amongst other unique perks whilst fighting on the battlefield. Without much further ado, let us check out all that is needed to know about the abilities of Cici and the overall hero overview in Mobile Legends.

Passive – Performer’s Delight
Cici generates a stack of delight after dealing damage, increasing her Movement Speed by 3% per stack and stacking up to 10 times. At full stacks, Cici also gains 30% Spell Vamp.
Skill 1 – Yo-Yo Blitz
CD: 7s (Burst Skill)
Cici throws Yoyo at the nearest enemy within range and locks onto them for 3.5s, hitting them up to 10 times and dealing damage equal to 50/60/70/80/90/100 plus 4/4.5/5/5.5/6/6.5 (+1% Extra Physical Attack ) % of the target’s Max HP per hit. Cici can also move and use other skills during this attack.
Skill 2 – Buoyant Bounce
CD: 9.5s (Mobility)
Cici leaps to avoid the target location. If she lands on an enemy, she deals 200/220/240/260/280/300 (+40% Total Physical Attack) Amount of Physical Damage to them and leaps again in the target location.
Ultimate – Curtain Call
CD: 45s (CC, Slow)
Cici throws Yoyo at the target enemy hero and links them with another nearby enemy hero, dealing 100 (+10% Total Physical Attack) Amount of Physical Damage, slowing them by 4% and pulling them together for 3s.
During this time, Cici can use Yo-Yo Blitz to attack both linked targets at the same time. If only one target is within the range of Yo-Yo Blitz. Cici will attack the target twice, but the damage of the second attack will be reduced to 20/25/30%.
Mobile Legends Cici: Hero Overview
Cici is a unique hero in MLBB that can easily gain lots of movement speed whilst fighting on the battlefield, this perk makes her pretty much mobile and agile on the battlefield. Cici is quite efficient on the battlefield since her skills don’t consume mana, better still she’s skill-dependent and even generates a high amount percentage of spell vamp thanks to her passive. These amazing skillsets have made her viable allowing her to function as mainly the Experience laner (Exp) or as a Jungler.

Analyzing her skills, we would realize that Cici’s Passive ability is quite cool as it provides extra mobility in the form of movement speed. Cici’s passive also provides extra sustenance when she’s at full Delight Stacks, as she gains an extra % Spell Vamp which is very useful during teamfights and ganks.
Skill Analysis
Cici’s First Skill is a Burst damage skill that mainly locks on to one enemy target, whilst continually dealing physical damage, paired with its somewhat low cooldown, it should be prioritized and regarded as Cici’s main damage skill.
Analyzing Cici’s second skill, we would observe that it enables her to leap to a target direction, whilst dealing some damage to them, thereby providing extra mobility that would be useful when trying to catch enemy targets or flee from them.
Lastly, Cici’s ultimate skill would be one of the most useful skills she has, as it provides a two-man damage link, as well as a rope type of CC-effect, which prevents enemies from moving apart from each other. The CC effect of this skill can be compared to the link from Carmilla’s ultimate ability, unless, of course, the link wouldn’t break if enemies move far apart from each other. Instead, it even prevents movement when the rope link is stretched. Apart from the CC, it is also a viable damage tool as it enables Cici to deal damage to both linked enemy heroes when she uses her main damage skill which is her first skill.
In short, Cici is another amazing hero in MLBB with a unique skillset that allows her to deal as much Physical Damage to enemies whilst having high mobility and a small CC effect from her skills.
Cici release date in Mobile Legends
Players are quite optimistic about meeting the playful Yoyo-using Fighter Hero, Cici and she was supposed to release on December 23, 2023. However, due to a bug in her gameplay, the release for MLBB Cici has been set for December 27, 2023.
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