Mobile Legends developer, Arnold has taken to the game’s official Social Media to reveal answers to top questions asked by players as regards the upcoming Revamped Emblem Setup that is scheduled to release on June 27, 2023. With over 120 heroes on the General server, the restrictions between Emblems and Hero Attributes are making it challenging to build a suitable setup for each hero. To tackle this restricting factor, the developers tried making some changes to the Emblem system. However, it didn’t work out well so it got scrapped as the previous design was deemed to be not mature enough in learning cost and flexibility.
Nonetheless, after collecting more info, suggestions, and advice from players, the Devs have come out with a much better solution that can solve both problems experienced by the previous emblem setup. The solution to these is the New Revamped Emblem System 2023. As more questions and inquiries about this upcoming New Revamped Emblem Setup have been placed by Players over the past few weeks, Dev Arnold has taken it upon himself to answer the Top questions thrown to the Devs by Inquisitive Players.
The long-awaited Project NEXT Update is coming on 06/27!
— Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (@MobileLegendsOL) June 17, 2023
The question is… How well do you know the new Update?
Come and read the Quick Tutorial of Emblems! Let's find out the excellent changes in Project NEXT Update together!#NEXTFORU#PROJECTNEXT2023#MobileLegendsBangBang
Mobile Legends Revamped Emblem Setup: Highlights
Understand the New Revamped Emblem Setup more easily
New Revamp Emblem System might take extra time for players to understand as the game has been featuring the release of numerous heroes with different damage output types. Currently, the old system seems to be overextended by the Hero’s gameplay, especially in terms of their damage output. Since the old system only has Talents that are specific to only two kinds of damage output, Physical/Magic, maximizing the effectiveness of some heroes might not be possible.

For instance, Natan and Granger, 2 Popular Marksman:
- Natan is a Marksman whose damage output is solely Magic Damage, the old Emblem System Talents for Marksman only supports Physical damage output for Marksman. Hence, limiting the potential of Natan as he is attack speed dependent whilst also dealing Magic damage.
- Granger is a Marksman whose damage output is based mainly on Burst Physical Damage output from his Skills. Unlike some Marksman, Granger‘s damage output is mainly based on his skills. However, the Old Marksman emblem system doesn’t have Talents that can properly suit Marksman heroes with Burst Physical Damage Output.
Taking a look at another Emblem Setup for Either Natan or Granger, we can observe that:
Natan: Mage Emblem+ Agility+ Observation+ Bargain Hunter:
Based on the old Emblem System, it’s observed that the Mage Emblem system would technically be the Best Emblem for Natan. However, Players can only choose Bargain Hunter which was unlocked with the mage emblem to allow the purchase of equipment at a cheaper price. Besides that, Magic Worship and Impure Rage don’t work well with Marksman heroes.
Granger: Assassin Emblem+ Agility+ Invasion+ Killing Spree:
Since Granger can finish off his enemies with his high burst Physical Damage Output. Normally, the Assassin Emblem tends to be the most recommended and prioritized emblem by most players. However, if players intend to go Jungle whilst using Granger, they may face the dilemma of choosing between the Jungle Emblem or the Assassin Emblem, as we all know that most Marksman jungling capabilities have been nerfed.

However, in the newly Revamped Emblem System, The Devs have eliminated the binding relationship between Talents and Damage Attributes (Physical/Magic). By doing this, the Devs expect to see more unique combinations of Emblems and Talents to help everyone find the best setups for different Heroes. Hence, Marksman Players can preset Natan’s Emblem Setup to the following setup.
Now that the Marksman Emblem provides both Physical and Magic Damage boosts. Natan can pick the Marksman Emblem to gain extra attack Speed with relief. Players can also choose talents unlocked with other Emblems to further enhance their power and damage capability. Likewise, for Granger, Players can set up Granger’s Emblem Setup to the following setup.

Since the restrictions between Emblems and Talents have been lifted, Granger Players can equip Granger with the Assassin Emblem to Gain extra Penetration. They can also choose talents like Seasoned Hunter to increase Jungling Speed and Lethal Ignition to increase Burst Damage.
Assassins can pick more suitable emblems even if the emblems are Mage-themed

Players should further note that as the restrictions between Emblems and Talents have been lifted, assassins that deal burst Physical Damage like Saber can pick Lethal Ignition to increase their Burst Damage tendencies. As Lethal Ignition Talent says, “Dealing high damage several times in a short period will scorch the targets for additional Adaptive Damage”. Hence, Assassin-type Heroes can pick a Mage Emblem Talent.
Use recommended Pro Emblem Setups to easily understand the system
Arnold also pointed out that the developers understand any inconveniences incurred in getting to understand some of the features of this new Emblem System. For instance, players who Freya might find in situations where they’re likely to be using the Marksman Emblem as it provides extra attack speed, Even though the attack speed is pretty much unnecessary for her.

In such cases, the Devs intends to remind us that this Newly Revamped Emblem System is more flexible, so players can adjust the Talents to better suit the heroes more suitably. Moreover, players uninterested in the Emblem Set-up could simply use the Pro Setups for the upcoming battles.
Refund of resources in leveling up Talents in the Old Emblem System

The Devs have assured players that the resources spent on the Removed two Emblems System, will be refunded 100% to players with some extra compensation. Meanwhile, there would also be extra exclusive events to help familiarize with the new Emblem Systems.
Devices to perform smoothly with the Revamped Emblem System update

Just like every other Big System Updates, the Devs always consider the game’s performance on different devices be it low-end or high-end devices. So players with lower-end devices should rest assured of even smoother Game performance.

For players searching for other likely examples of some heroes and their corresponding recommended emblem Setups. The above images show some of the various recommended New Mobile Legends Revamped Emblem Setup given out by Dev Arnold.
What are your thoughts about the Revamped Emblem Setup in the Mobile Legends Developer Discussion? Let us know in the comments below.
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