
Pokémon Unite October 20, 2021 Update patch notes: Lucario, Venusaur nerf, and more

Meta is changing

A new update is coming to Pokémon Unite on October 20, 2021, at 7 am UTC. The update includes Halloween-themed new decoration in Mer Stadium, bug fixes, battle items adjustments, and so on. Here’s what coming in the new patch that will hit tomorrow. To activate the update, players will have to restart the game after completing the update.

The update will incorporate new things into the game as well as the Mer Stadium will get a new makeover. If you do not know what are new fashion items, holowears coming with this new update, do check our detailed article on the Pokémon Unite Halloween Festival.

Pokémon Unite October 20, 2021 Update patch notes

Halloween Night in Mer Stadium

Mer Stadium will be specially redesigned for a limited time. The design will be based on a Halloween theme. So, players can use “pumpkins” instead of battle items while playing in this arena. Players will be able to throw pumpkins and put them on their opponent’s Pokémon.

Pokémon unite halloween 2021
Halloween 2021: Map changes

Pokémon Unite October 20, 2021 Update balance changes to Pokémons

To balance the Unite Battles, the update will bring some balance adjustments in battle items. Some of the Pokemon’s abilities and moves are either increased or decreased.

Pikachu (buffed)

Pokemon Unite Pikachu
Pokemon Unite Pikachu

One of the battle ability “Thunder Shock” damage is increased.  “Volt Tackle” which comes as a choice at level 6, also increased.

Ability nameStatus after update
Thunder ShockDamage increased
Volt TackleDamage increased

Slowbro (Adjusted)

“Amnesia” ability has some changes.

Ability nameStatus after update
AmnesiaCooldown time reduced, HP Recovery increased

Gengar (buffed)

Pokemon Unite Gengar
Pokemon Unite Gengar
Stat Buff after level 5Damage and recovery will convert with the same value

Blastoise (nerfed)

The turtle is getting a nerf in Pokémon Unite on October 20, 2021, update after its heavy rampage in the Aeos Island.

Pokemon Unite Blastoise
Pokemon Unite Blastoise
Hydro pumpDamage reduced
Water SpoutCooldown time reduced
Hydro TyphoonDamage reduced

Venusaur (nerfed)

Giga DrainHP recovery decreased
Solar BeamDamage increased

Lucario (nerfed)

Basic attackDecreased
SteadfastThe frequency of activation id decreased

Garchomp (buffed)

Pokemon Unite Garchomp
Pokemon Unite Garchomp
Standard AttackAttack speed increased
Dragon RushDamage increased

Bug fixes

  • Zeraora Wild Charge bug fixed. Before, it causes more damage that expected when hitting multiple Pokémon.
  • Lucario Aura Cannon bug fixed. Before, the damage increased after using Power-Up Punch.
  • Cramorant “Dive” bug fixed. Before, Cramorant may not be displayed correctly after the move is used.
  • Talonflame “Gale Wings” bug fixed. Before, the effect is not activated when returning after being KO’d.

Pokémon Unite October 20 2021 update other Changes


  • The amount of Aeos energy that can be obtained during KO has decreased.


  • The amount of shields given to friendly teams when KOing has been reduced.
  • Experience points gained when defeated is decreased.


  • After KOing Rotom, the movement speed, HP, and attack to reach the opponent’s goal have been increased.
  • The effect time when the goal area is broken has been extended.

This was a much-needed nerf for Lucario and Venusaur. And probably the Garchomp buff will bring it back to the meta. However, the actual changes will be noticeable once the patch is live in the game.

What are your thoughts about the Pokémon Unite October 20 2021 update patch notes? Let us know in the comment section below!

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