In 2015, San Diego based game developer Psyonix LLC released Rocket League, which would later turn out to be one the best and the most famous video game they ever made. The game was initially released for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4 and eventually made its way to Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, macOS, and Linux. Upon release, Rocket League received highly positive reviews from its player base primarily because of its vehicular combat gameplay and improvement in-game mechanics compared to its predecessor, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars. In fact, the game became so popular that it was adopted as an esports game and made its way to several major esports tournaments, including Rocket League Championship Series, which is hosted by Psyonix itself. There has been a recent rumor doing rounds that Rocket League is coming to mobile. This rumor is completely based on a recent job opening by Psyonix.
Is Rocket League coming for Mobile devices?
On May 5 2020, Psyonix, via their official Twitter account, posted about a job opening for various positions in their company.
While the tweet itself mentions five different job positions, the link mentioned in the tweet directs us to their official Careers Page on their website which mentions all the positions available. One of the positions includes Dev QA Tester (Contract). More details about the responsibilities and requirements for this position can also be found on their website.
Amidst all the things mentioned in that page, here are some key points that it mentions –
- Test the functionality and usability of console or iOS and Android applications throughout various development phases.
- Solid knowledge of QA methodologies, terminology, and tools. Consoles or multiple mobile hardware platforms and configurations: iOS and Android.
- More than 1 year of mobile game testing experience.
So what we conclude from this tweet is that Psyonix is specifically asking for applicants to be experienced in mobile game testing and is explicitly mentioning this platform in their job description page. It is obvious that Psyonix is on this recruitment drive because they need more staff for their upcoming project.
If we remember correctly, the studio was acquired by Epic Games in May 2019. And very recently, Epic Games CEO mentioned that his company is planning to bring Epic Games Store to mobile devices. So what could Psyonix’s new project be, which requires users to be experienced in mobile game testing? The most likely outcome is a mobile version of the Rocket League. Popular games like PUBG and Call of Duty have made their way to mobile and are one of the most played games on that platform. Even Epic Games’ very own battle royale game Fortnite is available on mobile. Therefore it is only a matter of time until we get to play Rocket League on this platform too.
How long do you think we will have to wait before they officially announce the game for mobile? Will you play Rocket League on your Android/iOS device? Let us know in the comments below.
Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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There’s literally no way for this to happen. Image the controls first. You can’t make it easy if you don’t cut out some controls. But rocket league without flying? For example.
Or mobile connections. The gamelobbys will be filled with “lost connection”. And many more problems they got to solve which is unrealistic.
I think they bring out some Companion App or some Manager-version of rocket league or something to promote esports. But honestly.. On mobile? Rocket league.. Im in!
If FPS games like PUBG, Call of Duty can port their game to mobile devices then why cant Rocket League?
Before commenting about the current situation of mobile gaming industry, I would suggest you to do a thorough research.
Oh I’m sorry, I guess you are playing RL in bronze or in unranked?
this first person shooter are not complex as controlling your car in the air. Example? How did they managed to press 4 buttons at the same time? Boost, gas, jump, and steering? Not mentioned roll and camera?
If you can answer this question then I’m sorry, but otherwise you should make some research before posting about a game you obvisly never played.
What I play is not the concern here but we should rather focus on how the developers will optimize the game. There will surely be mechanics to the control the car in the air if the developers finally decide to bring the game to the mobile platform.
Nothing is impossible for the game devs. Its all about the optimization process for various platforms. Talking from the Reddit reactions, half of the community reaction is like yours, the other half is excited to hear this.
I will definitely give it a try,hopefully they don’t change the style of play too much.If it’s a lot like the console version than I will definitely play it alot
It is about the time. 😉
Switch players already get destroyed, bring on the ragers and quitters from mobile, why not?
I am super excited for this. I hope we can see the game on mobiles in the future.
So are we!
Ummm that’s great and all but can you fix the servers please before you start adding more to your plate.