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Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is now globally available on Android and iOS

The Gacha-RPG based on Demon Worship is now out on Mobile!

Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is a gacha RPG spin-off of the popular Demon Worship Project anime and manga franchise, which was launched by publisher USERJOY Technology in 2012. After a short but sweet pre-registration campaign, Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is now available on Android and iOS.

The game is set in the same universe as Demon Worship Project, with the same characters, performed by the same stellar cast of voice actors. But it boasts its own original storyline, taking the IP in a bold new interactive direction.

Join forces with the demons against the Seven mortal sins

The game’s main protagonist, Lucifer is cast out of heaven and banished to hell for defying the will of God. The two souls become eternally bound together after Lucifer transfuses some of her angel blood into Maria’s human body, and steals her heart in return.

Image via USERJOY Technology

They become inseparable and set out to defeat the Seven Mortal Sins and escape hell. Alas, it all goes wrong when Belial, the Lord of Vainglory, joins forces with a shadowy outfit called The Third Faction and kidnaps Maria. Cue a wacky adventure in the world of man involving pranks, combat, and “sexy Demons of Sin”. 

Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY’s anime heritage is clearly visible in the game’s stunning character art, writing, and animation. Each of the biblical mortal sins is represented by a unique demon character with her own appearance and personality, and these are joined by seven equally distinctive Heavenly Virtues and two Sins of Heresy.

The gates of Hell are open for players starting today

The game’s campaign sees you deepening the friendships between these characters, as well as admiring their impressive 3D skill effects. If you managed to pre-register for Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY you’re in line for 10 Summon Scrolls, 50 Level 3 Trainers, and 50,000 Coins. If you didn’t, don’t sweat it: you’ll catch up in no time. Seven Mortal Sins X-TASY is already up and running for players on both Android and iOS. Interested users can download the game from the official website.

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