
Temperia: Soul of Majestic is coming to both Android and iOS in 2022

A card game with new mechanics coming in 2022

Big news for fans of the card game genre as reports say that Temperia: Soul of Majestic, a brand-new card game is being developed by A2 softworks and MoonWolf entertainment and published by Leonardo Interactive. The game is set to release for both Android and iOS, as well as Steam sometime in the year 2022. Read on to know more details about why Temperia could revolutionize the card game genre.

Temperia: Soul of Majestic bringing a brand-new mechanic

Generally, card-based video games in the past, most notably Gwent, have featured closed decks. This means that you will only be able to see your deck of cards and not the oppositions’. Naturally, this seemed like a logical rule as seeing your opponent’s deck in these games would give the users an unfair advantage and possibly lead to a stalemate.

Temperia Soul of Majestic unique card gameplay
Temperia Soul of Majestic unique card gameplay

Temperia: Soul of Majestic, however, is giving a new spin on things. It has been branded as an open-handed card game, meaning that users will be able to see each other’s full deck of cards. This is certainly interesting and might well open up a wide array of strategies and tricks never before seen in this genre of games.

A unique gameplay coming to devices

With an open deck for both players to see, the possibility of luck might be eliminated and the game might play out more akin to something like chess. It’ still yet to be known if the developers will be able to execute this mechanic to perfection but it undoubtedly would be exciting news for card game enthusiasts.

The game also features top-notch artwork and development of the game has been carried out purely keeping community feedback in mind. No exact release date has been announced yet but if you want to know when Temperia will be hitting shelves, keep an eye out on the game’s official website.

Are you excited about the upcoming card game Temperia: Soul of Majestic in 2022? Let us know in the comments section below!

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