Back in December 2019, Tencent had announced their esports plan for 2020. And it seems it is going right on the track. The Director of the Global Esports of PUBG Mobile, James Jinho Yang announced the upcoming PUBG Mobile World League (PMWL) 2020. This will be the Season Zero of PMWL with a magnanimous total prize pool of 850,000 USD! This will mark the first world league event of the 2020 PUBG Mobile World Championship season organized by Tencent Games. It will be held in the online format from July 10 to August 9, 2020.
Why it is called Season Zero?
In unprecedented times like these, PUBG Mobile was forced to opt for the online format. So they decided to change the structure and slot number to make this possible. They have decided to not regard this as a regular-season but rather as a PMWL special season. Therefore, it will be called PMWL Season Zero.
There will be East and West League and each league will start at night according to the regional time. The total prize pool is $850,000 including MVP awards, attendance fees, etc. This will be marked as the biggest amount for a single event in PUBG Mobile eSports.
COVID-19 is affecting every one of us and the PUBG Mobile eSports is no exception. We needed to change our format from offline to online and delay our schedule to make better preparations accordingly. So far most of our PMPLs are either finished or ongoing very successfully because of your support and love. We met the biggest challenge and that is PUBG Mobile World League. To keep the safety of players it was not an option to hold PMWL offline. However, holding it online wasn’t as impossible as we thought.
James Jinho Yang, Director, Global eSports, PUBG Mobile
Qualified Teams for PUBG Mobile World League (PMWL) Season Zero
17 teams have already qualified to attend the PMWL East League. The last 3 squads will be decided after the completion of the PMPL South Asia Finals that take place from June 12 to June 14, 2020.
- Orange Rock Esports
- GodLike
- Yoodo Gank
- Morph
- BigetronEsports
- Team Secret
- Valdus Esports
- Box Gaming
- Free Style
- No Chance
- Reject Scarlet
- U Level Up
- Xenon

12 teams have already qualified to attend the PMWL West League. 6 out of 8 squads will be decided after the completion of the PMPL Americas season one. Tencent hasn’t announced how the remaining two teams will be decided.
- Dream Eaters
- Team Unique
- Futbolist
- Team Number One
- FRAG Machines
- ALPHA Legends
- LiveToKill
- Yalla Esports
- HeadQuartars
- Konina Power

Tencent released the teaser of PUBG Mobile esports studio in Poland
After announcing PUBG Mobile World League (PMWL) Season Zero, Tencent also released a teaser of the new PUBG Mobile esports studio. It is built in Katowice, Poland with ESL. Mr. Yang called it the best eSports studio ever so far. The news of construction was announced earlier in March 2020. The studio is dedicated exclusively to the battle royale game.

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This is huge!