
FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals Guide

Amidst the Champions League Event, EA announces the newest addition to this season game FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals. One for the German football fans as previously stated by EA in their March Update Announcement, this event is a mix of Carniball style skill game setup, mix that with a bit of La Liga Rivals style player choices and Derby selections, and paths to choose between various rewards that you seek out the most.

FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals Event Description

  • Event Duration: March 12th – March 30th (18 days)
  • Ads: 3 ads daily giving 3 Bundesliga Energy per ad
  • Coin Packs: 5 Coin Packs weekly giving 15 Bundesliga Energy for 150, 000 coins
  • Energy: Bundesliga Energy refreshes 1 per hour with a max of 15 Bundesliga Energy.
  • Currency: Bundesliga Energy and Bundesliga Points

FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals Event Flow


In the Main Chapter, you will be using Bundesliga Energy to play a series of Skill Games and then pick between two matches to play. Winning the harder of the two enables you with the chance of getting an elite or even master Bundesliga player. After playing the match, the series resets to play through its entirety again.

There are also coin packs that give 15 Bundesliga energy to a limit of 5 per week for 150,000 coins each and 3 daily ads giving 3 Bundesliga energy each.

Main Path of Bundesliga Rivals


Celebrating the traditional rivalries in German Football, there are five selected rivalries in total in this section; The Rheinderby, The Revierderby, The Frankenderby, The Nordderby, and The Berliner Derby. Each one unlocks on different days, some of them on matchday between the clubs as they pit against each other in Bundesliga.

Rivalry Unlock Dates

These five rivalries will unlock over the course of the event. The point structure in each of these is a little different. Each of the derbies is split into two halves. For this, you pick a direction and make your way down the path earning resources and players. Once you make it to the end of a path, you do have a choice for XPs, boosts or coins. (Obviously, Boosts). If you claim all three players on the way. ie along with the subpath players, you unlock a master player opportunity match against your rival club, where you will need a full squad of the players with a particular OVR cap of the club whose path you set for, similar to La Liga Rivals. Winning the match rewards you with the highest OVR player for the club you were representing.

Note: If you look across the paths in other derbies, the point requirement structure, the OVR requirement for the final rivalry match and the final rewards are different. So you have to pay attention to that as you are building your squad or deciding on which path to do.

Bundesliga Milestone Masters

On Claiming any 8 Bundesliga Rivals players from the Rivalry Clubs unlocks an extra 94 rated Bundesliga Milestone Master player. Claim 20 Bundesliga Rivals players from the Rivalries to earn Prime Icon Lehmann, again for the whales only.

Running the math for F2P Players

As per our calculations, the following sums up the chances for F2P Players.

Resource Management

Energy15 InitiallyTotal
Hourly Refresh1 per hour431
Weekly Coin pack75 per week225
Daily Ads9 per day162

Total 833 Bundesliga Energy and 608 without the Coin Packs.

15 Bundesliga Energy translates to 30 Bundesliga Points from Skill Games. So those 833 Energy translates to a total of 1665 Bundesliga Points in conversion. Thus,

Total 1665 Bundesliga Points and 1215 without the Coin Packs.

Derby Players

Master PlayerBundesliga Points
94 OVR590KittelKlaassenHrgotaMavropanos
97 OVR1030SommerSkhiriStarkBulter
99 OVR1920HaalandHarit

FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals: Tips and Tricks

With the Champions League event already being a success, and SBC coming in soon too, this Bundesliga event looks really promising. There are many players available for F2P and also a ton of resources along the way. So here is our suggestion.

Never let your energy fill and buy the coin packs as they give back enough boosts and other resources through the rewards with the additional energy turned into Bundesliga Points.

Another tip of advice, wait until five rivalries are unlocked to start spending your points. Look at the values of the players in the market and make a decision at that time. Don’t commit too early in this event as there are a lot of choices, also don’t worry about building a full squad of Bundesliga players until you really have too. The prices of the Bundesliga players will drop as the event goes on.

Bonus Tip

If you want to sell all the players you are getting from the event for a maximum profit, then we have a strong gut feeling this might be one of the best go-to paths.

To maximize your gain from this event look at the Rhein or the Berlin Derby ie the 1st or 5th. Grab the three starters on either path of the derbies and get the final 97 rated master for completing the match with the squad. That’s four of your eight players en route to milestone rewards gained. For the remaining four, you can grab two 89 rated players from the two of the three paths in those two derbies ie either Rhein or Berlin for 75-80 Bundesliga points each. Then jump over to the Revier Derby and grab the two 91 rated players on either side for 100-110 points each. That’s a grand total of 1395 Bundesliga Points spent leaving you plenty of room to grab your resources with your points elsewhere.

If you follow the above-mentioned path, you are going to be walking out with three 89 rated elites, two 91 rated masters, one 92 and 94 rated masters and one 97 rated rivalry master based on your choices. Also, you will be unlocking the milestone so you will be getting a 94 rated milestone player. A total of a minimum of nine players and all Free to Play. Not to mention all the boosts and other resources you will be grabbing along in your way.


Alternatively, you might consider focusing your attention on resources, Grab till node 6 on both the sides of all Rhein, Revier, and Berlin Derbies. Then go to Revier Derby and grab nodes 6.1 and 6.2 on both sides of Dortmund and Schalke. Do a similar task on either of the Rhein or Berlin Derby ie grab nodes 6.1 and 6.2 on both the sides of the rival clubs.

Then turn to either of Franken or Nord Derby and complete till node 6 on both the sides of the rival clubs. On doing this you get 6650 Skill boosts, 6.1 million coins, 210k XP, 8 Bundesliga Rivals Players, and your guaranteed 94 OVR Milestone Master Player. All of this for a total of 1645 Bundesliga Points. Once again, all Free to Play. The choice is yours now.

FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals Player Rewards

All players on the path for the Rivalries will be not auctionable until a Content Update on either April 1st or later ie after the event gets over. The Bundesliga Milestone Masters and the Rivalry Match Player rewards are auctionable immediately.

Players in the Rheinderby
Players in the Revierderby
Players in the Frankenderby
Players in the Nordderby
Players in the Berlin Derby
Bundesliga Milestone Rewards
Bundesliga Challenge Match Players

That’s it there you go, Bundesliga Rivals completely mapped out, save your gems, this isn’t the event to spend them on away. It is a decent event with more matches and skill games but still, there are Squad Building Challenges(SBCs) yet to come in this month. Watch out!

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone. 

Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 20 Bundesliga Rivals Guide useful. For more guides like this, make sure to follow Gamingonphone on Facebook and Twitter.

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