The wait is finally over! FIFA Mobile 20 SBC is here! And to be fair, EA didn’t manage to screw this one up yet. One of the most anticipated events to grace the game yet, it does live up to all its expectations. One can trade-in players for resources, kits, logos, and new featured SBC elites. So in this article, we will discuss how one can get 98 LM Jadon Sancho from FIFA Mobile 20 SBC event.
FIFA Mobile 20 SBC: An Introduction
For all those who are unfamiliar with the concept of SBC and a quick reminder for those of us who have been eagerly waiting for two years!
Squad Building Challenges require users to make a squad with a certain formation and other certain prerequisites. These requirements can be of the players belonging to a certain nation, a certain league or even a certain club. Or even the whole squad having a certain predefined OVR. You need to make the squad with players from our own roster. Once you fill out the squad with the players, you confirm your completion with the submit option. The players will be then REMOVED from your inventory, in exchange for coins, skill boosts, kits, and new players.
Terms Associated with SBC Requirements
- Team OVR – This condition requires you to make the squad with the total team OVR leading to the minimum OVR specified given on the right-hand side of the tab.
- Exact Players – This condition requires you to fill the squad with players, with having filled each player only once.
- Position Players – This condition requires you to fill a minimum number of players in those exact specific positions, ie placing a center mid in its position of CM.
- Same Team – This condition requires you to fill a minimum number of players from the same club/team.
- Nation/Leagues – This condition requires you to fill a minimum number of players from the given league or nationality in the right-hand side tab.
FIFA Mobile 20 SBC: Basic Event Flow
After completing the tutorial there are 5 sections in the Event namely,
Exchange unneeded squads made up of a lower-tier quality in exchange for its next upper tier ie Bronze for Silver, Silver for Gold and trading Gold for Elites.
There is an Elite Upgrade where you need to fill with Elite players in exchange for an 85+ Premium Elite Player, yes even base players have become Premium now.
These challenges refresh daily and one can complete them for a given number of times in 24 hours.
Exchange Squad filled with players from the same Nation for Resources. On completion of all 5 challenges in this section, you can claim a Global Hero Player which is non-auctionable. All the challenges rest 1 week after claiming a Player allowing you to work towards another one.
The Nation challenge in this section is England, Italy, Germany, Spain, and a bonus Any Nation section which allows you to exchange players belonging from any but the same nation of your choice.

In this section, you can trade in players with certain requirements, complete 7 sets of challenges in exchange for the elusive 98 LM Jadon Sancho from the FIFA Mobile 20 SBC. The challenges range from a varied way of requirements and are all obtainable Free to Play.

Team Spirit
Build Squads from specific Teams and Clubs to claim that Team’s Kit and Rewards.
League Kits
Build squads from Specific Leagues to claim a kit from that league. Any kits you have unlocked here or in the earlier Team Spirit chapter cannot be claimed more than once.
Note: Since the players used in SBC’s trading are gone for once and all from your inventory, please do NOT use the players you plan to hold up for your team.
Our Suggestions
SBCs have already created havoc on the market as we have first predicted. Base Elites for less than 150k have become almost obsolete. This was/is the perfect time to sell your investments and become rich. Bronze, Silvers, and Golds have reached a sky-high amount are being sold at crazy prices in the market. So taking note of everything, here is our suggestion.
SBCs will stay in the game till the season ends, there is no rush to complete any of the FIFA Mobile 20 SBC challenges now and get in Sancho when you can wait for the prices to go down slowly, and the market to stabilize, then you can complete the challenges if you are in the hunt for that card. Since the card is non-auctionable it makes little sense to rush for the card right now unless you are planning to use him right away cause you can’t get any value out of him from the market.
Bonus Tips
Advanced SBCs
For those looking for a cheap but still quick route to Sancho right now, here is a sample layout for all the advanced SBC’s.
Advanced SBC 1
This can you clear out easily with the players from your inventory. Just lookout for the requirements and it is easy peasy.

Advanced SBC 2
This should also be fairly easy, look out for the league requirements and stick to Team of the Week Players for cheaper options.

Advanced SBC 3
This requires only Base elites and the Premium elites you acquire from the Elite Upgrade do not count as Base in this challenge, so only normal Base Elites which are a bit expensive right now.
Update: As of the content update made on 24th March, Premium Base Elites now, do count towards as Base Players in all of the SBCs, making their value go higher in the market and bringing down the value of normal base elites slowly.

Advanced SBC 4
This should be easier than the previous one as it allows Event cards. Look out for the requirements and check your inventories, you might already have the squad built for this one.

Advanced SBC 5
This is where things start to get a bit interesting and hard, it is better to wait for a few days to go with this and further remaining challenges as the prices are too high right now.

Advanced SBC 6
This is where things get really hardcore if you are looking for master players reach for clubs such as PSG, Tottenham, Porto and Man City as they tend to have relatively cheap masters.

Advanced SBC 7
The final frontier, this will cost you fairly, if you do not have enough masters in your inventory. We strongly suggest to not take this step right now unless you have a huge stack of coins as SBC’s won’t be going anywhere soon.

The total cost of all the seven advanced SBCS is given below. Remember it is according to the current market situation during TOTSSF and thus the prices will differ in the future.

Nations SBCs
For those looking forward to completing the Nations SBCs for cheap, here is a sample layout for all the Nations SBC’s taken help from our friend, Ruban.
In order to complete the Nations SBC, you need to make a squad of 11 players with a minimum of 9 Players from that particular nation, from a maximum of 4 leagues, having a maximum of 2 players from the same team and minimum of 3 players have to remain in their specified positions. Although it sounds difficult the rewards are decent.
England SBC

Italy SBC

Germany SBC

Spain SBC

Any Nation SBC

League Kits
A tip, most of you will ignore it but completing this yields 15,875 Boosts. It’s all free to play, course it will cost you some in-game coins. Simple market grinding and no hassle over gems.
Head over to the League kits SBC’s, there are 36 teams leading to 635 teams and completing every challenge it gives you 25 Skill Boosts and a kit. Twenty-five may sound less but multiply it all over and you are looking at 15,875 boosts.
Each challenge requires you to make a team of 11 players with a total minimum OVR of 70, which is simply 5 69s and 6 70 ratings. You could spend a maximum of 22,000 coins to set a team of 11 gold and silver players from the same league. Once you finish all the teams of a league it locks out and you move on to the next one. The process is tedious, you’ll get a lot of kits which you’ll never use but the boosts my god!

So that’s it Squad Building Challenges of this year looks promising for now, Icons are still to come this month and that will raise the price of masters even more. Hold on to your precious masters as they will rise as Icons SBC hits in. Also, remember Icons have much much more value than these Global SBC Players. So make your choice wisely.
Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 20 SBC Guide useful to grab Sancho. For more guides like this, make sure to follow Gamingonphone on Facebook and Twitter.
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