Free Fire is the ultimate survival shooter game available on mobile. The game has over 500 million downloads in the Google Play store and is soon to celebrate its 3rd anniversary in the month of August. The player base is getting more and more hyped up as Garena has revealed their anniversary content in the recently released patch “3volution“. As the Free Fire 3rd anniversary comes near, let’s have a look what are the contents that you will be getting in the game.
New Spawn Island

The lobby has got a complete overhaul once more, due to the Free Fire 3rd anniversary event taking place. The new anniversary-themed spawn island has been named the Runway and has the appearance of an airport alongside hangers with planes.
Limited time Preanniversary events

According to Garena, players will join in the Free Fire 3rd anniversary event somewhere in August. The activity event will last 14 days. Players will be able to earn exclusive items for free. All you have to do is complete special tasks, each with their own requirements on how to complete them.
Game history recap

A global mission will also be revealed over time in this Free Fire 3rd Anniversary. Here players will have to use their combined effort to fill up the progress bar starting from game release to the present day.
Bermuda Remastered: Exploration missions

Shortly after downloading the Bermuda Remastered expansion from the download center, a new event will arrive for the players. Here they will have to gather material for Bermuda rebuilding by deploying characters for missions.
Free Hayato awakening

This comes as a surprise to others but after the release of Kelly the Swift, many speculated that another awakening was going to make its way to the game soon. In this Free Fire3rd anniversary event, every player will have a chance to obtain a free Hayato Firebrand awakening for the character Hayato. This awakened version Hayato’s has the Art of Blades skill. This reduces frontal damage by 20/25/30/35/40 percent for 3s straight with a cooldown of 50s. Shooting with any weapon will put the ability on hold.
How much are you excited to play the Free Fire 3rd Anniversary events? Let us know in the comment section below!
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I am ssssooo excited for the 23/8 annniversary.