ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Free Fire Dasha Guide: Abilities, Character Combinations, and more

Utilise Dasha to her full potential!

After every OB update, Free Fire adds new features along with a new character. Dasha is one such character that was recently introduced in the game. According to Free Fire, she is a prankster and rebel. Like the other Free Fire characters, Dasha has unique survival abilities that help the user along the battlefield. In this Free Fire guide, we’ll go through her complete analysis and provide tips on using Dasha effectively.

Who is Dasha in Free Fire

According to Free Fire, Dasha was a satisfied and motivated child until a string of bad occurrences occurred in her life. Her parents had died, her best friend had moved away, her foster family was abusive, and her country was on the verge of war.

Free Fire Dasha
Image via Garena

People and the system had betrayed, mistreated, and abused her. When she was 18, she had to choose between fighting for survival, letting her history destroy her, and letting it all go and having fun. She went with the third choice, using fun as a weapon to take back her life.

Dasha abilities in Free Fire

dasha abilities
Image via Garena

The Dasha character has a passive skill named Partying On. This character possesses a set of abilities that helps to reduce damage taken and recovery time from fall, also to reduce the rate of recoil buildup and maximum recoil. Although, the abilities improve with character advancement, allowing players to utilize them to their full potential. The following table shows Dasha’s abilities at various levels.

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
Damage reduction from fall (%)303235394450
Recovery time reduction from fall (%)606265697480
Recoil buildup rate reduction (%)66.477.8.810
Maximum recoil reduction (%)66.477.8.810

Best character skill combination with Dasha you should try in Free Fire

Dasha is a passive-skilled character, therefore players can use anyone active skill as well as two passive skills with her.  Gamers can select from the following character for combinations based on their preferred mode of gameplay: Rush or Survival.

Survival Gameplay

CharacterSkill Usage
Alok/KPlayers can make use of their abilities to keep them healed up if any enemy spot and damages during survival
FordWith the help of Ford’s ability that reduces the zone damage, players can sustain outside the safe zone
AndrewHis ability helps the players by sustaining the vest durability
NotoraPlayers can use her ability(aids with 5HP while driving) to cover zone shrinks with vehicles keeping them healed
RafaelPlayers can silently damage/kill the spotted enemy while camping without exposing their location

Rush Gameplay

CharacterSkill Usage
SkylerWith his active ability, players can damage 5 Gloo walls within a second and damage the enemy behind them
KellyPlayers can quickly rush on enemies with her ability
MocoIt helps in exposing the hit enemy’s location
KlaPlayers can use his ability to kill the enemies with punches during landing clashes when they don’t get any gun
HayatoPlayers can kill enemies at low HP using his ability that increases armor penetration with the decrease in maximum HP

Tips and tricks for using Dasha in Free Fire

In BR Ranked mode, players can camp at higher locations as there’s less chance of getting spotted like Towers in Mars Electric or Bimasakti Strip until the zone favors the location. Players can jump when zoning shifts to a different location. This can help players in getting the survival points during their rank pushing.

 When players jump from heightened locations, there is a time gap for recovery, and the enemy has a good probability of finishing them at that period. So, players can use Dasha’s ability to reduce the recovery time. For Clash Squad mode, players can use Dasha with other rushing character combinations listed above as it reduces the recoil rate of guns alternately increasing gun accuracy.

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