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Genshin Impact Guide: Best Artifacts Build for Neuvillette

Best Artifacts Builds of Neuvillette!

Genshin Impact introduced the next line of the Fontaine playable character, Neuvillette, a 5-Star Hydro Catalyst character that is now available in Version 4.1. To briefly summarize Neuvillette’s kit and play style, he is a Charged Attack on-field DPS character who specializes in dishing out Hydro damage with his Charged Attacks. As such, his build will entirely depend on how you want to play him out but generally, you should look out for stats that provide HP, Crit, and gauge the requirements of his ER. Neuvillette has a variety of Artifact options to choose from that are viable to use. In this Genshin Impact guide, we will be focusing on the best Artifacts Build for Neuvillette to use in the game.

Best Artifacts Build for Neuvillette in Genshin Impact

Artifact Sets

4-Piece: Marechaussee HunterSets to built

Explanation: Neuvillette’s BiS Artifact Set is tailored significantly to his kit. Neuvillette’s main damage will be coming towards his Charged Attacks where he will deplete his HP for more DMG and also self-heal when HP is running low. As such the 2-piece bonus will help increase his CA DMG by 15% and the 4-piece will increase Neuvillette’s Crit Rate by 12%/24%/36% depending on the stacks.
2-Piece: Normal and Charged Attack DMG +15%
4-Piece: When current HP increases or decreases, CRIT Rate will be increased by 12% for 5s. Max 3 stacks.
4-Piece: Heart of DepthSets to built

Explanation: A 2nd best option from Neuvillette’s BiS Artifact Set. Although the DMG output is far lowered from his best Set, it is still a good option to equip on if you have not successfully farmed the 4-set Marechaussee Hunter Set yet with good stats. As Neuvillette is a Hydro DPS unit, the 2-piece will provide a Hydro DMG Bonus while the 4-piece will boost his CA DMG by 30%.
2-Piece: Hydro DMG Bonus +15%
4-Piece: After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 30% for 15s.
4-Piece: Wanderer’s TroupeSets to built

Explanation: Viable for Neuvillette as the 4-piece increases his CA DMG by 35%. The 2-piece bonus giving EM isn’t a bad stat to have since it can be helpful to boost Hydro-related Elemental DMG when Neuvillette is at the party.
2-Piece: Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.
4-Piece: Increases Charged Attack DMG by 35% if the character uses a Catalyst or a Bow.
4-Piece: Nymph’s DreamSets to built

Explanation: Both 2-piece and 4-piece help with Neuvillette’s kit. The 4-piece does not fully apply to Neuvillette as the ATK stack bonus is useless on him. On the other hand, the Hydro DMG Bonus stack is viable as it boosts his DMG. Overall, not a bad Artifact Set to use but certainly not viable in the long run for Neuvillette.
2-Piece: Hydro DMG Bonus +15%
4-Piece: After Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts hit opponents, 1 stack of Mirrored Nymph will be triggered, lasting 8s. When under the effect of 1, 2, or 3 or more Mirrored Nymph stacks, ATK will be increased by 7%/16%/25%, and Hydro DMG Bonus will be increased by 4%/9%/15%. Mirrored Nymph stacks created by Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts exist independently.
4-Piece: Retracing BolideSets to built

Explanation: Only viable if you use Neuvillette with a Shielder in your team comp. Although a 2-piece bonus is useless, Neuvillette can deal NA and CA DMG with an increased 40% DMG boost.
2-Piece: Increases Shield Strength by 35%.
4-Piece: While protected by a shield, gain an additional 40% Normal and Charged Attack DMG.
2-Piece Combinations: Nymph’s Dream/Heart of Depth/Vourukasha’s Glow/Tenacity of the Millelith/Marechaussee HunterSets to built

Explanation: If you cannot acquire good 4-piece sets and sub-stats then running 2-piece bonuses on him is recommended. Neuvillette’s main stat priorities are HP%, Crit DMG/Crit Rate, and Hydro DMG bonuses as it is good for him.
2-Piece Nymph’s Dream/Heart of Depth: Hydro DMG Bonus +15%

2-Piece Vourukasha’s Glow/Tenacity of the Millelith: HP +20%

2-Piece Marechaussee Hunter: Normal and Charged Attack DMG +15%

Ultimately, at the end goal of your Neuvillette build you would no doubt aim for the 4-piece Marechaussee Hunter Set. The DMG comparison with this set compared to the other sets is significantly high. You will lose out a stark amount of DMG if you only aim to not use this set and equip something else.

Artifact Stats

Before we talk about the priority of Artifact stats, the first thing that should be focused on is how much Energy Recharge is sufficient for Neuvillette. Neuvillette has a high-range Elemental Burst cost (70 ER Cost). Because of that, the way that Neuvillette’s kit is built is quite different and unique. Despite being a CA-focused DPS unit, Neuvillette still requires high uptime on his Burst so that he can easily charge up his Charged attacks without wasting valuable time and seconds.

His main DMG comes from his CAs but due to his CA shots taking quite some time to charge up, it may prove to be a hassle to fully use him on-field. As such, focus on getting an adequate amount of ER in order to proc his Burst more.


(It is recommended that you equip a Hydro Goblet rather than HP%)
Crit Rate/Crit DMG

(More priority on Crit Rate since he ascends with Crit DMG)
  • The sub-stat priority should focus on getting him Crit DMG, Crit Rate, and HP% since he is an HP scaling unit. ATK stats are not required. EM (Elemental Mastery) is not that much of a requirement but still not a bad thing to have for Neuvillette.
  • Lyney being paired up with other Hydro units is suitable. Additionally, characters who equip Favonius Weapons or can dish out Energy particles are recommended to funnel ER onto Neuvillette. Ultimately, Neuvillette would require for him to keep his ER at 150%-180%.
  • Neuvillette’s Crit Rate/Crit DMG ratio would be entirely up to you. Generally, he ascends with Crit DMG and his BiS weapon has Crit DMG sub-stat. Additionally, Neuvillette’s BiS Artifact Set provides Crit Rate. Keep all of this in mind while you build him.

That’s all about the best Artifacts Build for Neuvillette in Genshin Impact.

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