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Genshin Impact Razor Guide: Best weapons, artifacts and materials required for ascension

All you need to know about Razor, and the ways to unleash his maximum potential.

Genshin Impact is an adventure RPG game released by MiHoYo in 2020. In just a short time the game has become one of the most successful actions RPG titles ever to have been released in multiple titles. Despite his innocent yet wild look, he can pack quite the destruction as he is one of the notable DPS characters with a specialty for Physical ATK, meaning he is built to deal heavy blows when the going gets rough. In this Genshin Impact Razor guide, you will know which weapon is best suited for Razor and which artifacts bring the most out of Razor along with the materials required for ascension and talent upgrade.

Razor: Playstyle and skillset of the character

Genshin Impact Razor Guide

The character of Razor is a 4* claymore user in Genshin Impact.

Steel Fang                       Normal Attack
Hits 4 times consecutively  
Steel Fang Charged Attack
Uses stamina to spin and damage enemies nearby with a strong finishing blow that knocks off enemies.
Steel Fang Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground causing AoE DMG.
Claw and ThunderElemental Skill
Press Hits the enemies in front of Razor with an Electro DMG and puts electro status on them. Hitting with it gains an Electro Sigil, which increases his Energy Recharge rate. Razor can have up to 3 Electro Sigils simultaneously, and gaining a new Electro Sigil refreshes their duration. Hold Holding the attack causes a small AoE with massive Electro DMG and clears all of Razor’s Electro Sigils. Each Electro Sigil cleared in this way will be converted into Energy for Razor. 
Lightning FangElemental Burst
The Wolf Within Brings an overarching spirit of a wolf that strikes alongside Razor’s normal attacks, dealing Electro DMG. It also raises Razor’s ATK SPD and Electro RES as well as makes Razor immune to DMG inflicted by the Electro-Charged status. Also increases Razor’s resistance to interruption, However, it disables Razor’s Charged Attacks. 

Razor’s Passive Talents

  • Awakening: Unlocked at Ascension 1-
    • Claw and Thunder’s CD is decreased by 18%.
    • Using Lightning Fang resets the CD of Claw and Thunder.
  • Hunger: Unlocked at Ascension 4
    • Energy Recharge is increased by 30% when Razor’s Energy is below 50%
  • Wolvensprint: Unlocked Automatically
    • Decreases all-party members’ sprinting Stamina Consumption by 20%.

Razor’s Constellations

Constellation LevelNameEffects
1 Wolf’s InstinctCollecting Elemental particles increases Razor’s DMG by 10% for 8s.
2 SuppressionCRIT Rate increased against enemies with less than 30% HP by 10%.
3 Soul CompanionThe level of Lightning Fang increased by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
4 BiteWhen pressing Claw and Thunder, enemies hit will have their DEF decreased by 15% for 7s.
5 Sharpened ClawsLevel of Claw and Thunder increased by 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
6 Lupus FulgurisRazor’s sword charges up every 10s, causing the next Normal Attack to release lightning that deals 100% of Razor’s ATK as Electro DMG. In addition, if Razor is not using Lightning Fang, a lightning strike on an enemy will give Razor an Electro Sigil for Claw and Thunder.

You should aim for at least C1 since it allows you to use Razor’s Elemental Burst more frequently. 

Special Dish

Puppy-Paw Hash Brown
Puppy-Paw Hash Brown

Puppy-Paw Hash Brown is a Razor’s Specialty Dish, which can be obtained by cooking Mondstadt Hash Brown with Razor. You’ll also get it from the in-game mail on Razor’s birthday.

Effects: Restores 40% of Max HP and an additional 2,350 HP to the selected character

Artifacts sets for Razor in Genshin Impact

  • For maximizing normal DMG:

Gladiator’s Finale: 4pc

  1. ATK +18%.
  2. If the wielder of this artifact set uses a Sword, Claymore or Polearm, increases their Normal Attack DMG by 35%.
  • For optimal physical DMG and charged ATK:

Bloodstained Chivalry: 4pc

  1. Physical DMG +25%
  2. After defeating an opponent, increases Charged Attack DMG by 50% and reduces its Stamina cost to 0 for 10s.
  • For maximizing physical ATK and ATK boost:

Pale Flame: 4pc

  1. Physical DMG +25%
  2. When an Elemental skill hits an opponent, ATK is increased by 9% for 7s. This effect stacks up to 2 times and can be triggered once every 0.3s. Once 2 stacks are reached, the 2-set effect is increased by 100%

Artifacts stats

ArtifactMain statSub Stat Priority
FlowerHP>ATK%>CRIT Rate>CRIT DMG>ATK  Crit DMG> Crit rate>ATK%>ATK
SandsATK% or ER>CRIT Rate>CRIT DMG>ATK   Crit DMG> Crit rate>ATK%>ATK
GobletPhysical DMG bonus or ATK%>CRIT Rate>CRIT DMG>ATKCrit DMG> Crit rate>ATK%>ATK
CircletCrit DMG or Crit Rate>ATK%>CRIT Rate>ATKCrit DMG> Crit rate>ATK%>ATK

Best Builds for Razor

Razor should be a Main DPS, he is not suited for support unless you wish to use electro elemental reactions only. His strongest side is his Physical DMG so DPS or Sub DPS build is best suited for him.

Talent Priority

Razor is renowned as the “greedy DPS” since his Ult doesn’t persist after switching. Therefore it’s best if you use him as your main DPS and thus equally level up his three active Talents: Normal Attack: Steel Fang, Claw, and Thunder, Lightning Fang.

 Materials required for ascension of Razor

The materials needed to In this Genshin Impact Razor Guide, we will look at the materials required for the Ascension of Razor from level 1 to level 90.

1xVajrada Amethyst Silver
18xDamaged Mask
9xVajrada Amethyst Fragment
46xLightning Prism
30xStained Mask
18xVajrada Amethyst Chunk
9xOminous Mask
6xVajrada Amethyst Gemstone
Experience414 Hero’s wit, 13 Adventurer’s XP, 22 Wanderers advice, and 1,672,000 Mora

Talent upgrade materials for Razor

The following materials are required to level up 1 talent up to level 10.

3xTeachings of Resistance
21xGuide to Resistance
38xPhilosophies of Resistance
6xDamaged Mask
22xStained Mask
31xOminous Mask
6xDvalin’s Claw
1xCrown of Insight

Best weapons for Razor in Genshin Impact

  • Wolf’s Gravestone: 5* Rarity
  1. Base Attack: 46
  2. Bonus Effect: ATK 10.8%
  3. Skill Effect:  Increases ATK by 20%. On a hit, attacks against enemies with less than 30% HP increases all party members’ ATK by 40% for 12s. Can only occur once every 30s.
  • Serpent Spine: Bought with the Battle Pass
  1. Base Attack: 42
  2. Bonus Effect: Crit Rate 6.0%
  3. Skill Effect: Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.
  • Prototype Archaic: 4* Rarity (Crafted)
  • Base Attack: 44
  • Bonus Effect: ATK 6.0%
  • Skill Effect: On a hit, Normal or Charge Attacks have a 50% chance to deal an additional 240% ATK DMG to enemies with a small AoE. Can only occur once every 15s.

Best Team Comps

  • Diona:  Razor inflicts “Superconduct” which lowers their defense: allowing Razor to deal with greater DMG along with a shield and heal.
  • Xingqiu: For enemies with the Wet status, Electro elemental attacks create a special effect where multiple enemies with the Wet status electrocute each other which deals considerable damage.
  • Kaeya:  Razor inflicts “Superconduct” which lowers their defense: allowing Razor to deal greater DMG which can be repeated quickly due to Kaeya’s low Elemental skill CD.
  • Qiqi:  Razor inflicts “Superconduct” which lowers their defense: allowing Razor to deal with greater DMG.

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