
Honor of Kings Arke Build Guide: Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Tips to play the new assasin in Honor of Kings!

Story Highlights
  • Arke is a stealthy assassin hero in Honor of Kings
  • Arke is capable of resetting her skills whenever she gets a kill or an assist.
  • Arke can enter stealth mode just like Prince of Lanling in Honor of Kings.

Arke is a new assassin-role hero in Honor of Kings. Arke shares similarities with the assassin hero, Prince of Lanling as they can enter stealth and be invisible on the Gorge. Just like Prince of Lanling, Arke also specializes in sneaky ambushes to precisely eliminate squishy backline targets. All in all, Arke is capable of easily dominating the battlefield when played correctly. To this end, our Honor of Kings Arke guide will explore the best Arcana setup, ideal spells, and essential gameplay tips to help you unleash the full power of Arke on the Gorge.

Skill Analysis of Arke

Passive Skill: Kiss of Death

Attacks launched from the front of the target will not deal with critical damage but backstabs are guaranteed to deal critical damage.

First Skill: Arclight

Arke wields her twin blades and attacks enemies twice in a row, dealing Physical damage to enemies

Honor of Kings Arke Skills
Honor of Kings Arke Skills (Image Via Level Infinite)

Second Skill: Untouchable

Arke dashes forward and attacks, marking an enemy dealing physical damage, and gaining Attack Speed. Attacking marked targets slows them and reduces this skill’s cooldown. She takes 30% less damage from marked enemy targets.

Third Skill: Phantom Dance

  • Passive: Defeating a hero or assisting refreshes the cooldown of all of Arke’s skills.
  • Arke enters Stealth mode, gaining 40% extra Movement Speed and recovering a portion of her Health every 0.5s for 4 seconds. Attacking an enemy will cancel Stealth mode and increase her Physical Attack for 3s. When an enemy is hit, Arke’s Movement speed is increased by 30% for 1s.

Skill Level-Up Method for Arke

  • Skill 1: Arclight – Maximize upgrading Arclight as it is Arke’s main damage ability with a lower Cooldown.
  • Skill 2: Untouchable – Upgrade next as it provides an extra blink and damage advantage over enemies marked by the skill.
  • Skill 3: Phantom Dance – Prioritize upgrade whenever available for its burst damage potential.

Best Arcana and Spells for Arke

Arcana Build

  • Hunt (x10): Greatly boosts Arke’s Movement and Attack speed granting her the edge early on the battlefield.
  • Eagle Eye (x10): Boosts physical attack and penetration, allowing Arke’s abilities to hit harder and counter tanky opponents.
  • Unparalleled(x10): Grants extra Critical Rate and Critical Damage for Arke, increasing her overall burst damage output.
Arke Arcana Build in HOK
Arke Arcana Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spells

  • Smite: This Battle spell allows Arke to farm and take down objectives easily in the Jungle lane.

Best Builds for Arke in Honor of Kings

Arke benefits from a build that grants extra Physical attack, penetration, and critical chance necessary to burst down squishy heroes. Here is an optimal build to guide players to play Arke to make the most of her abilities in Honor of Kings.

  • Rapacious Bite: Start with this item to enhance Arke’s Jungling speed and accumulate stacks for increased Physical Attack and Cooldown Reduction.
  • Boots of Resistance: Grants extra Movement Speed, necessary for quick engagements and repositioning. It also increases Arke’s durability by granting extra defense and Resistance to CC.
  • Axe of Torment: Grants extra Physical Attack, Cooldown Reduction, and Physical Pierce, greatly enhancing Arke’s burst potential.
Arke Build in HOK
Arke Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)
  • Eternity: Grants significant Physical Attack and Critical Rate, which will greatly enhance her damage whenever she backstabs an enemy.
  • Master Sword: Enhances Critical Rate and boosts the damage of enhanced Basic Attacks, which is essential for bursting down squishy enemy targets.
  • Sage’s Sanctuary: Grants extra Physical and Magical Defense for Arke while also granting her a second chance on the gorge, as it resurrects her whenever she dies.

Honor of Kings Arke Guide: Gameplay Tips

Early Game

Focus on farming and clearing your Jungle wave to level up easily, this is achieved by rotating across monsters in your Red and Blue Buff. Start with the blue buff for better skill usage, then move to the red buff for enhanced ganking potential. Your primary focus in the early game is farming to level up gank the enemy’s marksman and delay their farming. In short, focus on squishy or overextended enemies to secure early kills advantage for your team.

Arke Early Gameplay in HOK
Arke Early Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

While ganking a lane, prioritize backstabbing overextended enemies, as Arke’s passive guarantees critical damage when attacking from behind. Arke’s stealth from Phantom Dance is ideal for approaching enemies undetected, ensuring a successful ambush.

Combine her ultimate with Arclight and Untouchable to secure kills and burst down enemies. Ensure jungle control by constantly clearing jungle camps on rotation and keeping an eye on the Overlord and Tyrant, as they grant extra bonuses to the team when secured. Avoid overcommitting to fights, and prioritize farming to stay ahead in gold and experience while providing pressure across the map.

Mid Game

During the mid-game, Arke’s power spikers as she excels at picking off key targets and controlling main Jungle objectives like the Tyrant or Overlord. Prioritize rotating frequently between the jungle and lanes, to takedown isolated or overextended enemies. Start your gank with Phantom Dance, which grants stealth to approach enemies unnoticed.

Position yourself behind the enemy to trigger Kiss of Death for guaranteed critical damage. Follow up with Untouchable to mark the enemy, increase attack speed, and reduce damage taken from marked targets. Follow up with Arclight for burst damage and finish them off with a backstab.

The best thing about Arke’s ultimate ability is that you can re-enter stealth using your ultimate after a kill or assist, enabling rapid repositioning for another target. During team fights, focus on taking down the enemy backlines as the mages and marksmen are your primary targets. When invading or ganking lanes, make ensure to coordinate appropriately with your teammates especially the Roamer and Mage for extra support as Arke lacks much sustain or durability for extended fights.

Late Game

In the late game, Arke becomes a lethal assassin, capable of turning the tide of battles. The late game requires careful positioning, as Arke remains vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage. However, Arke can utilize the Stealth from her ultimate to scout safely and set up ambushes. Activate stealth to bypass enemy vision and focus on eliminating squishy heroes, especially marksmen or mages.

Arke Late Gameplay in HOK
Arke Late Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Combine Untouchable and Arclight for fast combos and quick takedowns. Time your fights carefully and prioritize waiting for engagement from your allied roamer or fighter to takedown enemy carry. Coordinate with your fighter and roamer to flank enemies as it reduces head-on clashes especially when the enemy team has lots of crowd control.

Wait for the enemy to engage, then sneak behind their formation to eliminate key squishy targets. Use the jungle’s terrain to reposition frequently, avoiding direct chases. Do also stay cautious in the late game, as over-extending can result in unwarranted deaths. Focus on securing major objectives like turrets and the enhanced Jungle monsters, to gain the advantage and secure the win. The following skill combo will help out in the late-game phase of the game:

Skill 3 (Stealth)→ Skill 2 → Skill 1 → Skill 2

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Hou YiLam
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Final Thoughts

Arke is a dynamic assassin who can utilize her unique stealth mechanics and abilities to be a game-changing hero on the battlefield. As long as you focus on exploiting her burst damage, mobility, and stealth, you’d be able to give your team the team fight advantage easily.

By also utilizing the right builds, Arcana, and spells, along with understanding her strengths and counters, you can unlock her full potential as a jungle assassin. With this Arke guide, you’re well on your way to dominating your matches and securing victory for your team in Honor of Kings.

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