PUBG Mobile‘s 2nd anniversary is here with lots of new events and rewards. One of them is the 2GETHER WE PLAY event where players can get permanent ingame title named “2gether We Play”. And to get the title, players will have to complete the achievement of solving a 10 piece puzzle. Basically it is made to celebrate the second anniversary of the PUBG Mobile along with some of the other events. Follow this article to know how you can complete the event and get the title faster.
Where to find the 2GETHER WE PLAY event
1. Click on the 2nd anniversary tab in the events section

Look at the bottom right of the lobby where the events lab is located. There you’ll find one exclusive 2nd anniversary tab.
2. Find the Lucky Puzzle option

You will find this layout after clicking on that tab, after reaching here, click on the lucky puzzle icon.
3. 10 Puzzles are needed to complete the Lucky Puzzle

After clicking on that lucky puzzle icon, you will be redirected to this page. Here, you will be able to know how many puzzle pieces you need to complete the puzzle. And after completing the puzzle, you will be able to claim the gorgeous “2gether We Play” permanent title.
Now the question remains, how to get the puzzle pieces to unlock the title. So, to finish the puzzle, please follow the steps mentioned below.
Step by Step Guide to complete the achievement and get ‘2gether We Play’ title
1. Collect Arcade Tokens
Every player comes to lobby with two arcade tokens. Do not waste it on the spawn island, use them in the main match. Every dead bot gives you one or two tokens. Also, you can get tokens from dead players. There is no limit of the number of tokens you can get from dead players. You will get two tokens in front of the slot machines, but it spawns only one time so you will have to be the first one to reach in front of those machines to get those tokens.
2. Find the Slot Machines
After you are done with the collection of Arcade tokens, find a slot machine. Slot machines are available in all the classic maps, but the number of slot machine spawns are higher in Erangel map. So play on Erangel map to make it easier. There are no actual sure locations to find those slot machines, but here are some locations where you could possibly find the Slot Machines
- One of the triple warehouses in the Georgopol containers
- Military base C buildings
- First roadside blue building in Pochinki
- anniversary celebration playground
3. Play the Slot Machine using Arcade tokens and collect Puzzle Pieces
Once you find a Slot machine, do not play arcade games, play slot machines only. For playing the slot machine, you will need one arcade token. There are many rewards that you can get out of the Slot Machine. But you have to collect the 10 puzzle pieces to get the 2gether We Play title. You may not get one puzzle piece every time you play the slot machines. You may get guns, attachments, consumables, throwables and many kinds of stuff so do not lose hope. With the successful completion of the Lucky Puzzle, you’ll be able to unlock the 2gether we play title.
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