Niantic’s latest augmented reality title Peridot got a launch recently, which uses your phone to project a virtual pet companion into the real world, where you must care for them as they develop. The concept is that Peridots are in a world that is vastly different from the one in which they originally roamed, and they will require assistance to avoid extinction. Although you don’t have much to do in the game, its core gameplay focuses on hatching new Dots and learning more about the Archetypes. So, in this guide, we will look into how you can Hatch a Dot in Peridot.
Hatch a Dot feature in Peridot
Hatch a Dot is the process of breeding two adult Peridots to create a new Dot and discover new Archetypes. Hatch-a-Dot allows you to breed your Dot with other dots from across the world to produce new offspring.

Just like how real-life pets breed, the pattern is the same, with each of your dots having a unique DNA. You can gradually learn about Peridot Archetypes, acquire rare Attributes, and reveal Personality characteristics through hatching new Dots.
The first requirement is that you should make sure that the two Dots are adults before trying to breed them. For hatching a Dot, there are two essential resources needed, Sundrops and Nest. Gemstones are also consumable as an alternative. However, do note that you shall need to purchase a nest in order to Hatch-a-Dot.
How to hatch a Dot in Peridot
Currently, in Peridot, you can hatch a dot in three ways. You can do it at a Habitat, with Visitor Dots, or with Friends, which will be done finally with Campfire. The steps for each are explained below.
Hatching at a Habitat
Habitats are real-world locations on the Peridot map. Use the map to discover Habitats in your area. You’ll see nearby Keeper’s Dots. If you visit a Habitat, your Keeper’s name and Dot’s name will be visible to others, which can be disabled with the help of the Incognito Mode.

A Keeper must be within range of a Habitat in order to breed a Dot or collect Nest Parts. To hatch a dot at a Habitat, first, locate one on the map. When you see the Habitat icon on the left side of the home screen, you are within range of one. You’ll find matches for your Dot once you get there.
Hatching with Visitors
You can also see other Dots that have been in your area categorized under the Visitor Dots section. By selecting the Visitor Dots icon on the home screen, you will get to see nearby dots you can breed your dot with.
Hatching with Friends
The third step is by hatching the dots with friends. You can see the dots that your friends currently have, and to hatch, message the Dot’s Keeper and confirm via the Campfire Direct Message. This is sent as a request from your end.

When the Keeper approves the request, a link will be issued to you via Direct Message. Tapping the link will return you to the Hatch-a-Dot screen, where you can Hatch-a-Dot with Sundrops or Gemstones. Selecting Sundrops will breed both Dots with only enabled Traits, whereas selecting Gemstones will temporarily unlock all Traits.
Hatch-a-Dot requests expire after 5 days, and you can only send one request at a time. Keepers cannot also request to Hatch-a-Dot with anyone who has been removed from their friend list.
Although Campfire is the endgame for the hatching process and is troublesome considering the process, this is helpful in maintaining the process of hatching as well as maintaining friends easily. You can find other Peridot players where sending friends/hatch requests to them will help in getting to see more dots to breed.
Did you find our Peridot guide to hatch a dot helpful? Do let us know in the comments!
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