Garchomp is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon Go. It is a draconian Pokémon that is tall and has large fins along with smaller sharp spikes. It also has horn-like growths that come out from its head which makes it look similar to a hammerhead shark. You won’t have much of a problem if you are using the right counters. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters using which you’ll be able to defeat Garchomp in the best way possible.
Garchomp in Pokémon Go
Garchomp is a dual Dragon and Ground-type Pokémon with a Raid Boss CP of 3600. It is weak towards Ice, Dragon, and Fairy type attacks. If you are a high-level player with the best counters, you’ll be able to fight against Garchomp all by yourself. But if you are a low-level player, I’ll recommend you to go in groups of no less than two to three players into the battle.
Garchomp Moveset

The best movies from the movepool of Garchomp are Dragon Tail and Outrage. Both of them have a combined DPS of 50.2 and it is also the best combination of moves that you can use in both Pokémon Gyms and PvP battles. Other good options from the moveset of Garchomp are Mud Shot, Earthquake, Fire Blast, and Sand Tomb.
Best counters against Garchomp in Pokémon Go
Here’s the list of the best counters that you can use against Garchomp to guarantee a win for yourself.
- Mamoswine (Shadow): Powder Snow/Avalanche
- Weavile (Shadow): Ice Shard/Avalanche
- Darmanitan (Galarian Standard): Ice Fang/Avalanche
- Baxcalibur: Ice Fang/Avalanche
- Rayquaza (Mega): Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Mamoswine: Powder Snow/Avalanche
- Mewtwo (Shadow): Psycho Cut/Ice Beam
- Glalie (Mega): Frost Breath/Avalanche
- Gardevoir (Mega): Charm/Triple Axel
- Abomasnow (Mega): Powder Snow/Weather Ball
- Mr. Rime (Shadow): Ice Shard/Triple Axel
- Articuno (Shadow): Frost Breath/Triple Axel
- Cetitan: Ice Shard/Avalanche
- Kyurem: Dragon Breath/Glaciate
- Weavile: Ice Shard/Avalanche
- Glaceon: Frost Breath/Avalanche
- Garchomp (Mega): Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Piloswine (Shadow): Ice Shard/Avalanche
- Salamence (Shadow): Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Walrein (Shadow): Frost Breath/Icicle Spear
- Porygon-Z (Shadow): Lock-On/Blizzard
- Salamence (Mega): Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Abomasnow (Shadow): Powder Snow/Weather Ball
- Mewtwo: Psycho Cut/Ice Beam
- Cloyster (Shadow): Frost Breath/Avalanche
- Gardevoir (Shadow): Charm/Triple Axel
- Jynx: Frost Breath/Avalanche
- Dragonite (Shadow): Dragon Tail/Outrage
- Avalugg: Ice Fang/Avalanche
- Garchomp (Shadow): Dragon Tail/Outrage

Snow weather will provide you with the best boost to your top Ice–type counters as it doesn’t boost any moves of Garchomp. But as Snow is rare weather to come across, Windy weather is your second best option to fight in.
Did you like our Garchomp Raid guide? Check our other Raid Guides below:
- Pokémon Go Mega Lucario Raid Guide
- Pokémon Go Brionne Raid Guide
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