ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

PUBG Mobile: What is Canted Sight and how to use it

PUBG Mobile 0.18.0 update is already out and it brings a lot of features, modes, and events which include the Mad Miramar, Sandstorm, Cheer Park, and Bluehole Mode. Among all of these, the most interesting feature is the Canted Sight that has been arrived in PUBG Mobile with the latest update.

What is Canted Sight?

pubg mobile canted sight
M416 with a 6x and a Canted Sight scope

Canted Sight is a new scope for weapons with a secondary scope slot, that allows players to quickly switch between equipped sights. It is a backup sight which is mainly used in the close combat situation and works similarly to a red dot or a holographic sight. On using the Side Scope or Canted Sight the gun will rotate 45° anti-clockwise but the shooting rule or the recoil system will remain in the same direction i.e., vertical and horizontal recoil. However, to use canted sight efficiently, you must be quick to react and have a good aiming.

How to use Canted Sight in PUBG Mobile?

You will find the Canted Sight just like other loots on the map. There are two ways to use it after you equip a Canted Sight on your gun through a newly introduced button. But to get that option, first you need to turn on Canted SIght from the basic settings of PUBG Mobile.

pubg mobile canted sight settings
Enable the Canted Sight from the settings
  • Tap to use scope: When you enable this option, on tapping the Canted Sight button it will directly open the Canted Sight scope.
  • Tap to switch scope: When you enable this option, on tapping the Canted Sight button it will change your primary Scope button into Canted Sight scope button. Now, whenever you will tap the primary Scope button, the Canted Sight scope will open. Although, after tapping again the Canted Sight button it will change the scope button into primary one.

Unlike PUBG PC, by only equipping Canted Sight scope, it will not become the primary scope in PUBG Mobile. Your primary scope will remain as iron-sight. Also, you cannot equip the Canted Sight scope in the primary scope area.

Weapons supporting Canted Sight

Type of WeaponsNames
Assault RiflesBeryl M762, AKM, AUG, M416, Mutant MK47, QBZ, Scar-L, G36C
Designated Marksman RiflesSLR, Mini14, MK14, QBU, SKS
Bolt Action RiflesAWM, M24, Kar98k
Sub-Machine GunsUMP, Vector, PP-Bizon, MP5K
ShotgunsS12k, DBS
Light-Machine GunsM249

If you found this article useful, don’t forget to check our other PUBG Mobile guides.

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