With over 5M+ downloads in a fortnight, there is a lot of buzz and excitement going on about Rocket League Sideswipe in the Gaming Industry. In this guide, we are going to talk about the different shots that Rocket League Sideswipe users must know so as to trick their opponents in Ranked Mode. Fret not, if you are still finding it difficult to rise up the ranks. Master these shots and be unbeatable.
Trick Shots in Rocket League Sideswipe
If you are a rookie, you might believe that the best way to send the ball inside the net is by continuously smashing the Boost button. Well, things might work initially, but as you gradually rise up the ranks, life is a lot more difficult. You have to master some shots to continue the winning saga. Apart from the casual shot, there are 5 different shots that are unique to Rocket League Sideswipe. Let us now go through all these shots and know when to use them:
Note: Firstly, you need to enable the Boosted Jump button by accessing the Settings option on the home page. To do so, go to settings and click on Game Settings. Then click on the Configure button to customize the in-game controls. You will find a third button, the Boosted jump button. Adjust the scale and opacity of the button and click on the check box beside Enabled to enable it. We are not discussing this in detail since we have already covered this in our Best Settings Guide. You can access that anytime.
1. The Power Shot (Red Shot)
The Red Shot is the most commonly used shot in Rocket League Sideswipe. It can be used in situations where you want to hit the ball with a lot of power and also stay in close contact with the ball at the same time so as not to lose possession, just in case you need to follow up with more touches.

Hence it has got the tag of Power Shot. It is also referred to as Red shot because of the color it generates on making the shot. The front end of your car should be positioned towards the ball while flipping it. It is more of a counter-attacking shot and can be used often, for flipping the ball inside an open net when your opponent loses possession near your net.
How to play a Power Shot (Red Shot) in Rocket League Sideswipe
- As we mentioned earlier, the front-end of your car should be positioned towards the ball while flipping it. To do a front flip, use your joystick to direction the car towards the ball.
- Simultaneously, smash the jump button twice to ensure that the front-end of the car hits the ball hard enough to generate power.
- The ball glows with a blue & pink color upon successful execution of the Power Shot.
- Make sure to maintain close contact with the ball as you may have to follow-up with some more touches to pocket the ball inside.
2. The Backwards Shot (Gold Shot)
Contrary to the Power shot, in the Backwards Shot, you have to position your car away from the ball. As the name suggests, the rear end of your car should face the ball. It can be used to cheekily pop the ball over your opponent’s car without totally committing to the shot. A Backwards shot comes real handy in negating the chances of your opponent when they are in a scoring position. Just flip the ball backward, and move away from it so as not to commit to the hit. Unlike the Red shot, this is a Defensive shot.

How to play a Backwards Shot (Gold Shot) in Rocket League Sideswipe
- Contrary to the Power shot, you have to play a back flip here. To do a back-flip, you have to position your car away from the ball such that the rear end of your car is in contact with the ball.
- Use your joystick to direction your car away from the ball and simultaneously flip the ball by smashing the jump button twice
- It is a difficult shot to execute since, you have to flip the ball and also move away from it at the same time, maintaining contact with the ball would a tough task. Try using this shot only when your car is in a stand-still since it would be easier to execute it then.
- Once successfully executed, the ball glows in Gold.
3. The Underside Shot (Purple shot)
The Underside Shot is the most unique shot in Sideswipe. To make this shot, you have to face upwards such that the underside of your car comes in contact with the ball and hence the name. You basically need to put all the 4 wheels on the ball while in the air and jump away from it. The force that is generated in this process would propel the ball in the desired direction and your car in the opposite direction downwards.

It can be a really useful shot since you do not have to do a second flip the ball and just jump at it to steer the ball in the desired direction. Moreover, it pushes your car in the opposite direction thereby allowing you to get in a defensive position real quick. That is what makes this a unique approach since you can steer the ball towards your opponent’s net and simultaneously be in a position to defend.
How to Play an Underside Shot (Purple Shot) in Rocket League Sideswipe
- To play an Under-Side shot, just position the car near the ball with the under-side of the car facing it and move your hands away from the joystick.
- As soon as you leave the joystick, immediately tap on the Jump button twice or use the Boosted Jump Button. So, basically you jump away from the ball (in the opposite direction) so as to be ready defensively at the same time.
- The ball glows with a Pink Color upon successful execution.
4. Delayed-Flip Shot
It is just an ordinary flip shot played at the last minute. There is no expiration time on your flip and hence you can delay your jump a bit and fool your opponent. It can be used during air-dribbling when your opponent comes between you and the goal. Maintain contact with the ball while dribbling in the air and just when your opponent think you are going to flip, hold your position a bit and play a Delayed-Flip through the vacant space over your opponent’s head.

How to play a Delayed-Flip Shot in Rocket League Sideswipe
- A Delayed-Flip is basically a normal front-flip played at the dying moments. It comes handy while air dribbling. Since there is no time-barrier on the jump, hold your jump till the last moment.
- Just when your opponent anticipates you to flip, wait for a brief while and play a delayed flip over the opponent’s car.
- To play a flip, direction the car towards the ball and do a double jump by smashing the Jump Button twice or using the Boosted Jump Button.
5. No-Flip Shot
This is basically what we refer to as a fake shot in a soccer game. Just stay close to the ball by boosting up towards it. Slightly nudge the joystick upwards when hitting the ball so as to draw your opponent into thinking that you are going to flip the ball past him. This will put a similar feeling as flipping.

How to play a No-Flip Shot in Rocket League Sideswipe
- To play a No-Flip shot, align your joystick towards the ball i.e. in the direction of the ball.
- Slightly nudge your joystick upwards to generate a similar feel as flipping and fool your opponent into thinking that you are going to flip.
- Just boost past him by using the normal boost button.
That’s all for today’s Rocket League Sideswipe Shots guide? Did you enjoy this Rocket League Sideswipe Shots guide? Let us know in the comments. Happy Gaming. Cheers!
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I need help with the in game coins!! I accidentally bought 2 of the dominus skins and lost all my coins I grinder to get!! How do I get these back!?!
You should write to the game’s support team.
Go to the car press the info button by the name and sell them for what u paid for