The game of Yu-Gi-Oh! has come a long way and that also includes how players work around bringing out their ace monsters and combos. When it comes to bringing out their monsters, there have been lots of ways to summon them and give them the edge when it comes to winning a duel. Summoning has different types and players all around have their own preferred way of doing so and also mixing it up so that they could win. Special summons does not count towards a player’s one choice to summon or set a monster during their turn, and therefore can give players a huge lead in the game. Here are the types of Yu-Gi-Oh Master duel special summoning to help out beginners or even returning players to help get them to speed when it comes to what is new in the game.
Types of special Summoning in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel
1. Special Summons
This may be one of the most common ways of summoning more monsters onto the field with less difficulty. Special summoning can be done with effects of monster, spell, and trap cards. Some cards would need a requirement before special summoning a monster

There are also a lot of combos that can be used when it comes to special summoning monsters. One combo used for this would be one of the Synchron or Synchro deck with the use Quickdraw Synchron and Quillbolt Hedgehog, or even Junk Synchron and any level one or level two monster within the player’s graveyard.
A common example for special summoning using trap cards is the use of Call of the Haunted, and there are trap cards that act like monster cards when activated. An example of those traps is the cards: Embodiment of Apophis or even Statue of Anguish Pattern. While for spell cards, the most common one is the use of Monster Reborn or even Autonomous Action Unit.
2. Fusion Summons
Counted as one of the common ways of special summoning as well. Players were introduced to fusion summoning as early as the first arc in the anime. Players must have the materials listed on the fusion monster’s card on their field or hand, then activate the spell Polymerization or activate the effect of certain cards that duplicate the effect of Polymerization. There are a lot of cards that can do so, they could be through the use of a field spell, or even other spell cards.

It is also noteworthy to know that there are fusion monsters that do not require specific cards as materials and can use other cards in order for that fusion summon to work. This would then usually revolve around a certain monster type, level, or attribute that goes with the archetype of the fusion monster itself.
3. Ritual Summons
This type of special summoning was also introduced in the Duel Monsters arc of the anime. What this kind of summoning would usually need is a Ritual Spell card in the player’s hand or set on their field and the Ritual Monster in their hand.

Unless stated otherwise through various spell and trap cards, this is the common way of ritual summoning monsters onto the field. In order for a player to ritual summon, the player must tribute monsters, either from their hand or field, that match or exceeds the level of the Ritual Monster they wish to summon.
It is also important to know that players can also implore the use of ritual cards (both spell and trap) that allow the player to use tributes from the graveyard or deck in order for the ritual summon to be successful. For the common way of ritual summoning, the use of Senju/Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands as their effects allow players to add a Ritual Spell or Monster from their deck to their hands, then using those monsters as the tribute as well.
4. Synchro Summons
Synchro Summoning is another form of special summoning. This was introduced in the anime as part of the 5Ds arc. The use of a synchro summon can be quite confusing as there are also specific requirements to meet before a player could perform the special summon.

Just like in the anime, the player would require a tuner monster out on their field faced up and one or more monsters. Now for the Synchro monster they would special summon, the player must make sure that the combined levels of the tuner and the monster/s add up to the total level of their desired synchro monster.
Synchro monsters have powerful effects and with a combination of special summoning like mentioned above and more, synchro summoning can be much easier. One classic example is from the anime itself, and how Yusei Fudo uses certain combos to bring out Stardust Dragon, Junk Warrior, etc.
5. Xyz Summons
The XYZ summon or known by fans and players as Exceed Summon, is one of the other special summonses that is part of the game. This type of special summon would require players to have at least two or multiple cards of the same level in order for an XYZ summon to be completed.

The requirements for the XYZ monster would be stated on the card and that would be the most of it as players would just need to bring out monsters of the same level in order to create an XYZ summon. Players can also use the mentioned summoning ways above in order to bring out more powerful XYZ monsters onto their fields.
6. Pendulum Summons
How this works is that only once per turn, and during the Main Phase, the player should have each of their Pendulum Zones occupied with Pendulum monsters on both scales. This would mean that there are two cards on the player’s pendulum scale. The player can then summon a number of monsters as long as they are in between the level of the scales.

Players can summon any number of monsters in their hand as long as they meet the requirements, or any of the Pendulum Monsters within their Extra Deck as long as their individual levels are in between those of the scales. Unless stated otherwise on the cards, this is the conventional way of Pendulum Summoning.
7. Link Summons
The most recent type of special summoning is the use of Link Summon. Here is almost the same as the rest, players still have to attempt the summon during their Main Phase and players should send a specific number of face-up monsters on their field to the graveyard that is equal to the link rating of the desired Link Monster.

Players should also see the specific needed materials on their desired link monster in order for the Link Summon to be available in-game. It is similar to Fusion and Synchro Summoning but would also make up for greater and longer combinations in-game.
Final Thoughts
These are the types of special summoning that are being used within the game. Some may be more common than others, and some may run a combo of the ones mentioned, but they all add up to make one strong deck. Although it may take some time to practice and learn through them all, they could definitely be a way for players to stack their fields with powerful effects and monsters that could help them easily win the duel.
That’s all for today’s Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Types of special summoning. Did you find our Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Types of special summoning helpful? Do let us know in the comments!
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