Power League is the all-new competitive mode coming to Brawl Stars. It will be replacing Power Play as the new way to play competitive brawl. Supercell had announced the introduction of Power League in the March 2021 Brawl Talk. Power League will start once the current Power Play season ends. Forget trophies! Power League will consist of 19 ranks from Bronze 1 to Masters!
The Power League system will be the “new way to play competitive Brawl Stars,” according to Supercell game lead Frank Keienburg. For the first season of the Power League, you will be placed in ranks based on your highest rank in Power Play. The higher your best powerplay score is, the higher you will start in the new Power Play season.
How does the Power League work in Brawl Stars?
Solo and Trio are the only way to play the all-new Power League, with matchmaking letting you face off against parties of the same size. If playing solo is your way to go, you will only face enemies who play solo too. In case, you wish to play with your friends in a team of 3, you will only face trio teams. Each “game” is a Best of 3 (the first team to register two wins will win that “game”).

Power League will consist of 19 ranks from bronze to masters, with each rank will having sub-rankings of Bronze 1 > Bronze 2 > Bronze 3. The game modes and maps will be randomly selected once you queue into a power league game.
Banss will allow players to ban one brawler each, thus playing a key role in the new ranked mode. A randomly-banned brawler will be banned too, as well as each brawler can only be played once through the course of the game.

For example, by picking Shelly in the first game, you can no longer pick Shelly in consecutive games. This will allow for a variety of brawlers to be played throughout your games.
Matchmaking and trophies
The tougher the opponent the faster the progression! The tougher games you face (based on opponents’ rank) the quicker you will progress and prove your skill! Power league will be unlocked at 4500 trophies on Trophy Road. No maximum games being able to be played per day, which is unlike Power Play, where if you were to miss one day of games you would feel let down for the whole season. This will allow maximum brawl! The first Power League season would be slightly shorter, but after that, the Power League will last through the brawl past season (which is 10 weeks).
Brawl Stars Power League Rewards
Power League rewards will consist of Brawl icons to flex your rank at the end of the season. You will also receive star points, just like Power Play with exclusive skin rewards able to be purchased at the end of the season. The first of them being smuggler penny, costing 25000-star points. Exclusive skins will only be able to be purchased at certain ranks meaning you will unlock the ability to purchase more skins the higher you go!

The feature is still in development, though, which means its launch date might change depending on the circumstances. “The update isn’t finished, We are still testing and finalizing the feature ”, Supercell said in a tweet. Thus it is yet to be seen what Brawl Stars has more in store for us.
What do you think about the new Power League mode in Brawl Stars? How excited are you about the new update? Let us know in the comment section below!
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I think I will love this new game mode, it remembers me a bit fall guys