
Clash of Clans shows Clashy AI and OTTO Bot in an extra special episode of Clash On

Nobody asked for these.

For seasoned Clash of Clans players, April Fool’s prank is not a new thing anymore. Every year, the clashers are treated with cool new pranks, which they can laugh at. This year, Clash of Clan’s global community manager, Darian, showcased two surprisingly funny AI-based tools. The first one on the list, Clashy AI is supposed to do everything the Clash of Clans player would want it to do, and the next one OTTO Bot is a AI-based troop that will take control of the Builders Village and do everything on its own.

What is Clashy AI in Clash of Clans

CoC fans get shocked by seeing an AI like this, however, considering the modern-day advantage with Cortana, Siri, or even Chat GPT, Clash AI is not something that is totally a far-fetched dream. Although it may sound funny, but Clashy AI could be the game-changing tool for Clash of Clans players.

clashy AI, coc ai, clash of clans clashy ai
Image via Supercell

Clashy AI does everything the player will command it to do. This includes training troops, upgrading buildings, training troops, doing attacks, and most importantly analysing and deciding things based on its own intelligence.

What is OTTO Bot in Clash of Clans

OTTO Bot on the other hand is a AI-based troop that will do everything on its own for the builders base, and the players will not even need to command it. It may sound funny, but this is what the April Fool’s prank is supposed to mean for Clashers.

Clash of Clans otto bot, Clash of clans april fool prank 2023
Image via Supercell

Basically, OTTO Bot will turn the builders village into an idle part of the game where the players will just only watch their settlement grow from time to time and do nothing! Sounds shocking, right?

There’s more

Most surprisingly, Darian also revealed the implementation of a 24-hour real-time clock for Clash of Clans that will be based on Helsinki’s time. That means the game will only follow Finland’s time and the light available in the game will be directly related to the time in Finland.

While all of these are surely an April Fool’s joke, but just think what if they actually implement all of them? As a Clash fan, I would rather not imagine!

What are your thoughts on Clashy AI and OTTO Bot in Clash of Clans? Let us know in the comments below!

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