As a part of its monthly updates, Call of Duty Mobile Season 9 arrived earlier this month. This update included a huge revamp of the earlier features in the game. Amongst all this, a small update was also noticed by the players. The loading screen crediting Tencent games and TiMi studios for their efforts has surprisingly disappeared. This was a notable change coming in the game, especially in the current scenario regarding the banning of Chinese apps. Later it was revealed that makers of COD Mobile, Activision, have parted ways with the Chinese conglomerate Tencent and their subsidiary TiMi studios. Mainly two reasons are being cited behind this move. GamingonPhone talked with a TiMi Studios official to confirm this news. In this article, we will be writing about the two main reasons cited by the officials behind this termination.

Why did COD Mobile and Tencent part ways?
So after Activision parts ways with Tencent, the question arises why did it happen. GamingonPhone talked with a TiMi Studios official and these 2 reasons came up.
Trump’s executive order against Tencent
The first reason that is being cited is that recently, the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump signed an order. This restricted U.S. companies from conducting transactions with Tencent Holding as well as its subsidiaries. Now, Call of Duty Mobile global version is published by Activision which is headquartered in the US. Activision didn’t want Trump’s ban to affect the COD Mobile global version which is controlled from the USA. As a result of which Activision had decided to part ways with Tencent.
Tencent’s PUBG Mobile copying features from COD Mobile
Reports have been coming that another hugely popular game from Tencent, PUBG Mobile has been copying various features from the COD Mobile. Not only that, but they have also claimed it to be unique content for their community. Things such as Gun game mode, aerial platform, locations, etc. have been copied and applied in the game.

This season, Call of Duty Mobile went through major revamp and turned almost into a COD Warzone mobile version. This is being speculated that in order to protect the features and maintain uniqueness amongst other warfare mobile games, COD Mobile decided to part ways with Tencent. However, this does not affect the Garena version of the COD Mobile.
Final thoughts
Now that COD Mobile and Tencent part ways, the community sees this as a clever move from Activision. Moreover, this decision comes at the right time when China is being cornered by the rest of the world in every aspect with Chinese apps and games being banned. Now what remains to be seen is what does the future of COD Mobile beholds without Tencent and TiMi Studios.
What is your opinion as COD Mobile parts ways with Tencent? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Well it’s the best thing Activision did. Surely the reasons are damn valid… This might be offending for pubg users but the truth is that.. even if pubg copies CODM it can never reach to the level of COD. Every feature in CODM is 100x times better than pubg..
CoD ❤️
It is a very right decision by Activision.
As a CODM user and fan, I support it and looking forward to a Tencent free CODM by Activision.
Tencent did an amazing job. It’s a darn shame Activision was forced to part ways due to our immature president all because those tiki tok kids hurt his feelings. Can’t wait for the blue wave to fix all his bulls**t.
Full support to Activision team. This is one of the best things they have did till now after the gunsmith. Always with you @activision
“be careful, Enemy Molotov”
Full support to Activision team 👍👍
Hats off to pubg😂. Slow claps for them.
No clap for them 😝😝
Good thing, welcoming news I particularly like to use apps/products that have no affiliation to China, kudos Activision.
This is just Activision protecting their IP. The next update is gonna be good but with a catch. The weapons XP cards are worthless unless you have the purple ones. The green and blue ones are laughable. Talk about that in another article. I used all of my purple XP cards about 20 and only went up 13 levels. I honestly think I only went up a few levels(3-4) because I was already using that gun and wasn’t paying attention to the actual level. Normally I would’ve maxed out my gun with a few cards. The green one is horrendous… Read more »
Bro dont be angry get used to it. Learn it how to use u will definitely love it. And yes it will take some time but wait will fruitful.
bro, just use your xp booster. it waiting in your inventory
Bro Just Play As Much As Possible With The Gun You Want To Upgrade.It Will Automatically start Upgrading When You Use It.
One solution play good pass levels and earn the purple ones..
No its them keeping the ability for you to make purchases. If they were to stay with Tencent ones the 45 days is up Americans won’t be able to make purchases from them all because Tencent is a subsidiary of we chat and we chat hurt crybaby trump’s feelings. This is the only reason they are separating because ten cent did an amazing job.
Nice work activision ,I left pubg as tencent holded a considerable amount of share whereas shares in cod are minimal as compared to pubgm
Yess or else here also we have to pay for the limited items.
I fully support Activision decision. 👍👍👍
This is great news! I couldn’t be happier. I’d happily spendy hard earned dollars on upgrades and in game purchase now without worrying about my money ending up with the damn Chinese.
Great move Activision!
God bless America.
Good move…so codm wont be banned in india as was speculated earlier…i breathe a sign of relief
So any idea what will happen to the copied things?? Will activison strike a copyright??. If doing that that would be awesome.
As of now, no such news is there. But we will inform you all as soon as we get to know anything about it.
Activision cannot strike copyright if it’s related to gameplay. They only can do that if the artwork has been copied, which isn’t the case here
Wish Trump would keep his small dirty filthy hands off Video Games. Being president surely has more pressing matters than a gaming company.
i play both games, i would say that CODM is better in multiplayer games while PUBGM is better at battle royale or should i say classic.
battle royale in CODM feels a little glitchy or something like that, the reason may be my phone but PUBGM runs smoothly while playing classic.
But be it in terms of graphics or characters they offer, CODM definitely ranks much higher than PUBG.
Pubg is a complete trash. I want that game to be removed from playstore. Call of duty mobile is a perfect warfare game for mobile. More upvotes to CODM.
Well codm looks like an improved version of pubgm and if tencent partnered up with activision to make the game. So does that mean is codm a clone of pubgm or pubgm is a clone codm.
Neither are the the clone of each other. Activision found the later features copied to pubg. COD franchise have been dominating way before pubg existed. It is usual for games like codm which came after pubg to have improved features to rival the competition. COD still dominates.
The best thing done by the Activision company . Cod had already made it’s way before pubg was just in a womb. Pubg is copying things from Cod mobile that shouldn’t be appreciated . Cod is always better and will remain better than pubg with or without tencent.
Full support to Activision….
Finally Activision did something good for COD nd also it’s players,I wish they will keep this in future nd bring more uniqueness in COD,I want it from many days ago when I heard about that pubg is copying COD,this types of manners should not be taken from pubg farther away.every game has it’s uniqueness if u copy from anothers then what will be the difference between u nd them.
Very sad😔😞
Give a chance to ‘Infinity Ward’. It should be no1 action game in the earth. 🙂
Not sure pubg coping codm considering the base code was started from pubgm. Hence chat button same. As for floating platform they had a similar idea first, circus moving around the map it just wasNt in the air.
Whos going to take over is the big ? And how bad will the hacks get dont be praising activision yet. There a greedy company forced to cut ties, they would of stayed with tencent if it wasn’t for trump.