In the month of April, Activision and Tencent Games had decided that they will implement a Monthly Seasonal model in Call of Duty Mobile, which would make it easy for players to know when the new season will begin and end. So, after the Wild West update in May and Radioactive Agent update in June, its time for COD Mobile Season 8. This season has been named as “The Forge”. So, without further ado, let’s get into the details of the upcoming season.
COD Mobile Season 8 Battle Pass
The new Battle pass season will start on 11th July.
Battle Pass Rewards
Premium Battle Pass rewards

- The new epic soldier looks for Reaper, Kreuger, David Wilkes, and Tank Dempsey.
- New epic weapon: DR-H Chained and AK117 – Kit Bag.

- New epic Living Rust themed weapons.
- First camo for the Tank vehicle.
Free Battle Pass Rewards
- New base weapon: DR-H. Assault Rifle with a moderate fire rate with equipable ammo for higher torso damage.
- New Perk: Shrapnel. This perk will help you spawn with an extra piece of lethal equipment. Moreover, explosive damage will delay enemy health regeneration.

New Event Rewards
- Many new challenges and missions will be coming with new epic character and weapon rewards.
- New Operator Skill: Katana. Swiftly kill enemies at close range, with the ability to detect hostiles hidden by smoke grenades.
- New Perk: Quick Fix. By using this perk, Gun, Melee, and Combat Axe kills will regenerate health. Also, capturing and holding objectives increases health regeneration. For example: holding any point in Domination or holding a Hardpoint area

COD Mobile Season 8 Multiplayer
New Mode
Juggernaut Mode: An all-new 1 vs 5 game mode. In this mode, the objective will be to kill the Juggernaut to become the new Juggernaut. You need to put up the highest score in this ultimate battle of man versus machine.
This mode will be available for the following maps:
- Highrise
- Rust
- Nuketown
- Crash
- Killhouse
- Cage
New Map
Highrise, a popular map from Modern Warfare 2, will be the latest addition to the collection of the maps in Multiplayer mode

You can test out your gameplay at Highrise map in these modes:
- Juggernaut
- Attack of the Undead
- Kill Confirmed
- Team Death Match
- Search & Destroy
- Domination
- Free-For-All
- Gun Game
- Sniper Only
- Stick and Stones
- One-Shot One Kill
- Gun Game: Team Fight
- Capture the Flag
COD Mobile Season 8 Battle Royale
In the season 7 update, the ISOLATED map had a massive expansion on the northern side of the map. Continuing on that expansion, a new area will be added in the Black Market area, named Safehouse. You can utilize your repair tool and may reveal some surprises as well.

Also, we advise you to keep an eye out for mysterious toy objects scattered throughout the map. They may contain some useful items for your gameplay.
When will the COD Mobile Season 8 start?
The new season will start from July 10th and the battle pass season will begin on 11th July.
We hope you find this COD Mobile Season 8 article helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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