
Epic Games accuses Apple of blocking its Store launch for iOS devices in Europe

Another debacle!

Just when it seemed like things were finally settling between Epic Games and Apple, a new story has emerged now. Epic Games has accused the American tech giant of blocking the launch of the Epic Games Store on iOS devices in Europe via the Apple Store.

UPDATE as of July 6, 2024

Apple has approved the Epic Games Store mobile app and clarified that they rejected it because of the similar in-app purchase label.

The reason behind blocking of Epic Games Store is because of button similarities

On Friday, July 4th, 2024, Epic took to X (formerly Twitter) and listed down their part of the complaints regarding the scenario. However, the reason for blocking seems to be quite silly.

Epic posted that Apple has rejected their submission for the Epic Games Store twice. According to Epic, Apple claims that the “Install” button on Epic’s store looks too much like Apple’s “Get” button and that Epic’s “In-app purchases” label closely resembles Apple’s own label of the same name.

Comparison of Apple and Epic Games Store buttons
Image via GamingonPhone

Epic Games argues that their labels and button designs follow standard practices used by many app stores and are meant to be clear and easy for users to understand. They believe these naming conventions are normal and help users know about in-app purchases, which is a common regulatory requirement.

Hence, for this reason, Epic Games feels that Apple’s rejection is unfair and obstructive. They believe it violates the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and as of now, Epic has reported its concerns about Apple’s actions to the European Commission (EU), seeking their intervention.

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney also commented on the same, mentioning his disappointment and mentioning that Apple is using this notarization process unfairly to block competition.

Apple had terminated Epic’s Developer Account earlier this year

There was always plenty of heat between the two tech giants in the case of Epic Games Store. In January this year, the popular battle royale title Fortnite was confirmed to return on iOS in Europe through the Epic Games Store, made possible by the new rules by DMA.

Apple Epic Developer Account, Fortnite App Store
Image via GamingonPhone

This took an ugly turn in March, as the comeback went off track when Apple terminated the Epic Games Developer Account, citing the reason for Epic’s “public criticism” of their proposed DMA compliance plan. However, the European Commission intervened and investigated Apple’s decision to remove Fortnite-maker Epic Games from the App Store, which made Apple trackback on its decision.

The game-focused multiplatform store from Epic Games is still unclear about its future at the moment, however, we shall see the launch surely by the end of the year, given the number of hurdles Epic had crossed to get their store live on iOS devices. We shall need to see how this will unfold in the coming days, and as usual, I’ll be keeping this space updated.

In the meantime, you can read our other articles on Epic vs Apple

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