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Fortnite x Thor: Love and Thunder collaboration brings special skins, emotes and more

Ignite the spark with Thor Odinson and Mighty Thor!

The last few weeks have seen a lot of Fortnite collaborations, but the most recent collaboration for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3 is with the Thor Love and Thunder which brings exclusive skins along with other in-game items as well.

Thor Odinson and Mighty Thor, two Thors who have had Mjolnir, are currently available in the Fortnite Item Shop. These complicatedly related Gods of Thunder are part of the Gods of Thunder Pack, which also contains two Back Blings, two Pickaxes, two Gliders, an Emote, and a loading screen and was inspired by Marvel Studios Thor: Love and Thunder. Additionally, use the Full Charge Style of the Outfits and Pickaxes to surround yourself with lightning.

Both the Thors arrive in the game as a part of the Fortnite x Thor collaboration

The Thor Love and Thunder skins are now on sale in the Fortnite store as of 8 p.m. ET on July 7. This skin-dropping incident took place right before the movie’s official release. Protector of not only Asgard but all of the Nine Realms, Thor Odinson is in the Gods of Thunder Pack with the following related items: 

  • Thor’s Cape Back Bling: Made from Asgard’s finest materials.
  • Stormbreaker Pickaxe: Forged from Uru on Nidavellir with the ability to summon the Bifrost.
  • Stormbreaker’s Flight Glider: With the power of Bifrost, grasp the Stormbreaker and glide across the sky.
  • Bring The Hammer Down Emote: Whoever has the strength to hold the hammer will be granted the strength of a powerful ground strike. (Only the following Outfits possess the strength to use this Emote: Thor Odinson, Mighty Thor, Thor, and Captain America.)
Fortnite Thor Love And Thunder collaboration
Image via Epic Games

Jane Foster became Mighty Thor upon lifting Mjolnir – and being worthy of Thor’s power. Mighty Thor is in the Gods of Thunder Pack with the following related items:

  • Mighty Thor’s Cape Back Bling: A classic cape for a new Thor.
  • Reformed Mjolnir Pickaxe: Pieced back together by the lightning for its new wielder.
  • Mjolnir’s Flight Glider: With the power of lightning, grasp Mjolnir and glide across the sky.

Apart from these, the Full Charge Style is included with the Thor Odinson Outfit, Mighty Thor Outfit, Stormbreaker Pickaxe, and Reformed Mjolnir Pickaxe. With this reactive Style, Pickaxes will electrify when they hit Weak Points, and Outfits will electrify when they receive eliminations. Activate the thunder gods’ might (measured in watts). And finally, The Gods of Thunder Pack includes the Gods of Thunder Loading Screen. Call the lightning and bring the hammer down.

What are your thoughts about the KAWS collaboration in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 3? Let us know in the comments below!

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