Game For Peace, the Chinese iteration of the popular battle-royale game, PUBG Mobile has added the ability to use a self-revival kit, in one of their recent updates. Usually, GFP is the first version of the game to receive updates and patches, which are rolled into the global versions of PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) later on. Therefore, the addition is crucial, as it is might be one of the things which might get added to PUBG Mobile later on. Here we will talk about the feature and how it might affect the game.
Self-revival kit in Game for Peace: Definition
The self-revival kit is a spawn item available as a ground loot item in the classic battle-royale maps. It is an extremely rare item. The spawn rate of this item is comparable to that of a flare gun, thus highly coveted. The kit can be picked up and stored like any other loot in the backpack. When a player is knocked, they will get an option to either revive themselves or wait for their teammate to do it in a familiar manner. Each revives will consume one such kit.

Factor affecting the gameplay
Relying on teammates to cover each other’s backs and get the necessary revivals done has always been the essence of the squad battle-royale mode in PUBG Mobile. Therefore, to say that the gameplay is the same after such an addition is a severe understatement.
It especially affects the sniper gameplay over long distances. Since in almost all cases, the knocked enemy is either too far away to finish or involves going through the enemy line of fire. Hence, it offers invaluable time to the knocked player to use the self-revival kit and patch themselves up, to face the enemy push by the time they pull up.

It also hugely favors split gameplay, where teammates can play with big gaps between their lines and hold different angles. If anyone gets knocked far away from their nearest teammate, they can just self-revive. Perhaps, the biggest change is in the dynamics of solo vs squad players.
With the addition of this feature, players will be able to play solo vs squad and can still get a second chance, even if they are knocked by an enemy, owing to the self-revival kit. This essentially offers the player two health bars for free. Any skilled enough player can use this to their utmost advantage and can wreck full squads alone.
Final Thoughts
Despite being such a unique feature, it has been met with general disapproval from the community for justified reasons. According to the fans, it ruins the squad dynamics of a traditional battle royale which the PUBG franchise is the most well-known for. It can also cause internal disagreements in a squad. A player might play as a lone-wolf which ruins the experience for their teammates.
It also largely invalidates the purpose of snipers and especially DMRs, which are not widely used as it is. Also, even if it becomes a standard feature, odds are very low that it will be incorporated into the Esports scene. The sole purpose of such a competition is to be the best team, and not the best player. Overall, the self-revival kit can be both a unique and a controversial feature, if it ever gets added to the variants of PUBG Mobile, apart from Game for Peace.
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