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PUBG makers files lawsuit against Google, Apple and Sea for copyright infringement in Garena Free Fire

Better late than never

Krafton and PUBG Santa Monica, the makers of the popular battle royale game PUBG: Battlegrounds has filed a federal complaint in Los Angeles against Google, Apple, and Sea for Copyright infringement in Free Fire. Garena is a Singapore-based company owned by Sea Ltd is the makers of the popular mobile titles Free Fire and Free Fire Max. PUBG makers have filed a lawsuit stating that Garena’s Free Fire and Free Fire Max have copied several components of the game and they have been making a profit at the expense of Krafton.

This isn’t the first time Krafton is suing a company. Previously they have sued Epic Games for the same issue, but they dropped that lawsuit. 

Why Krafton and PUBG Santa Monica are suing Free Fire

Role of Apple and Google

Krafton has stated that they have tried reaching out to Apple and Google about copyright infringement. But they have allowed the distribution of the Free Fire and Free Fire Max despite their request. Garena has generated more than $100 million in the first three quarters of 2021 from Free Fire through Apple and Google.

Role of Sea Ltd

Sea Ltd is the parent company of Garena. Garena’s Free Fire was released in August of 2017 just a few months after the release of PUBG. Krafton states that Free Fire has copied PUBG’s game structure, Map, in-game items and equipment. 

free fire copying pubg, pubg lawsuit free fire
Some places that look identical

They have also mentioned how Free Fire has also used a Frying Pan which is an in-game weapon. It is an indestructible item used as Armor. They have stated that Pan has become an emblem of the game and Free Fire copied not just the Pan but also the indestructible nature as well.

Krafton has also stated how the Pan has become an integral part of the game by stating Viva la dirt league live PUBG skit. They have linked some PUBG pan memes to further emphasize this. They have shown various locations in the PUBG map and how similar it is with Free Fire’s map.

chicken dinner, pubg mobile chicken dinner
Image via Krafton

PUBG also has a Chicken theme. When a player wins they are shown the message  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. In Free Fire, after winning, the message Boyah appears along with the roasted chicken image near it saying that Free Fire has also copied that theme as well. They have also copied other aspects of the game such as the Blue zone, Redzone, characters, weapon skins and much more from PUBG: Battleground.

So this PUBG: Battlegrounds lawsuit against Free Fire is not surprising to many, rather people might think that it should have been done years ago!

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the truth

winner winner chicken dinner was in H1 long before PUBG was around lol

Last edited 3 years ago by the truth
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