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PUBG Mobile Summer Land event: Details you need to know

The Summer Land event is finally here in PUBG Mobile. Its a series of 10 time-limited events with decent rewards. PUBG Mobile just released a teaser picture of these events on their social media handles which created curiosity among the players about the upcoming Summer Land events. So, In this article, we will discuss the Summer land event and breakdown it.
PUBG Mobile India confirmed about the Summer Land Event on twitter

All the events of Summer Land

The events currently ongoing in Summer Land in PUBG Mobile are listed below:

1. Battle Points(BP) Spender

PUBG Mobile Summer Land events
Big spender event in PUBG Mobile

In this event, the players will have to spend a certain number of battle points(BP) to get time-limited ‘Cheetah Glasses‘ and ‘Cheetah Set‘. This event was started on 20th May and will end on 31st May. By spending 7k BPs, the player will get a cheetah glass for 3 days. When they spend 14k BPs, they will get the cheetah glass for 7 days. The same goes for the cheetah set, 21k for 3 days, and 42k for 7days. Overall it is a decent event.

2. Team Up

PUBG Mobile Summer Land events
Team Up event in PUBG Mobile

This event started on 20th May and will end on 1st June. In this event, the players will have to team up with their in-game friends and play TDM matches. By playing 2 matches, the player will get a cannon, which can give 1000 popularity to someone. By playing 5 matches, they will get a time-limited ‘Rainforest‘ finish of the AUG A3 gun.

3. Log In

PUBG Mobile Summer Land events
Log In event in PUBG Mobile

This event started on 25th May and will end on the 4th of June. The players will just have to log in to the game to get the rewards. There different rewards for every day, like classic crate scraps, DP-28 finish, UC discount coupon, etc. So, overall it is a good event.

4. 1-UC Treasure Raid

PUBG Mobile Summer Land events
1-UC Treasure Raid event in PUBG Mobile

This event was started on 29th May and will end on 19th June. Its an event based on pure luck. Players can get a permanent finish of gun, permanent outfit, skins by just spending 1 UC. The more UC player spends, the more the odds increase. The highest odds percentage is 75%, it means, the player has a 75% probability of getting the item.

5. Jungle Adventure Mode

Jungle Treasure crate
Jungle Treasure Crate in PUBG Mobile

This event will come on 1st June and will end on 14th June. In this event, players will have to play in the Sanhok map and complete multiple achievements to collect Jungle Treasure crates. Players can get BP, character shards, coupon scraps, and 100 AG currency. Our detailed Jungle Adventure Mode Guide will take you through the latest mode in PUBG Mobile thoroughly.

6. Online Rewards

Online rewards
Online Rewards in PUBG Mobile

This event will be live on 4th June and will end on 11th June. In this event, players will just have to spend time in the game to receive various rewards like coupon scraps, crates, etc.

7. Lucky Egg

Lucky Eggs PUBG Mobile Summer Land
Lucky Eggs in PUBG Mobile

The Lucky Egg event will come on 12th June and will end on 23rd June. In this event, players will have to complete daily activities and by completing that, they will get hammers to smash eggs. By smashing a certain number of eggs, players will get cool rewards like crate coupons, permanent outfits, etc.

8. Road Trip

This event will come on 13th June and will end on 25th June. By reading the name, we can assume that in this event, players will have to cover a certain distance in a map to get specific rewards. Though we do not have proper news, once the event comes, we will surely update this article, so do not forget to check again.

9. Daily Deal Pack

Daily deal packs
Daily Deals Pack in PUBG Mobile

This event will come on 17th June and will end on 1st July. This event will look like the daily special bundle, where players will have to buy a pack every day to get a permanent reward. The items may vary in the actual event, this picture is used only for example purpose.

10. Sanhok Relic Hunt

The Sanhok Relic Hunt event will come on 24th June and will end on 6th July. We do not have any proper news about this event, once the event comes, we will surely update this article, so do not forget to check back.

This is all we have for the PUBG Mobile Summer Land event. We will update this article when new events are released. If you find this article useful, or you know any other details about the Summer Land event, let us know in the comment section below!

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