
Among Us: How to get the ultimate gaming experience

Make your Among Us experience the best!

Among Us, the current hot favorite game in the scene. This is the most downloaded game in 2020 on mobile platforms so far. This a mystery-crime game based in space. To enjoy the game, one should play in an environment that will suit the best for the game and make it more enjoyable. So, in this article, we will discuss how to get the best gaming experience in Among Us.

Host Settings

Host settings – Among Us

The host setting in Among Us is one of the most important parts. The host can choose 1 of the 3 existing maps, which are- The SKELD, MIRA HQ, and POLUS. Each map has its own sides. The lowest player number in a match is 4 and the highest number is 10. The highest impostor number in a match can be 3 and the lowest impostor number in a match can be 1. From 1 to 4 players numbers in a game, there will be only one impostor. Whereas, from 4 to 10 players, the host can set 2 or 3 impostors. The host can also set the chat language according to their choices. Try to play the game with your friends, known people, etc. It will add more fun.

Communication with fellow mates in Among Us

There is only one option to communicate with fellow crewmates, which is the in-game text chat; However, players can also use a third party software called ‘Discord’ to communicate with other players via voice chat.

In-game text chat

In-game text chat – Among Us

This is the picture of the official in-game text chat of Among Us.

Discord voice chat

Among Us Discord option
Discord voice chat

This is the picture of the voice chat of Discord.

Match Settings in Among Us

Match settings are very important. These little settings create a big impact on the match. In this section, we will try to demonstrate the best match settings. Players can also modify these settings according to their choices.

How to modify settings

Only the host can modify the settings. To change the settings, the host must stay near the computer in the starting lobby. Normal players who are not the host, can also customize their avatar, look, and outfits from this option. When the player will go near the computer, a customize option will appear on the right bottom side of their screen. By clicking it, they can do this stuff.

among us best gaming experience
Customizing avatar – Among Us

Ideal settings for the best Among Us gaming experience

Here are some demo settings, which can be used to get a good Among Us experience.

Note: These settings are formed by our staff team from their own choices. Feel free to modify these according to your comforts and choices

Primary settings

Primary settings – Among Us

Newbies can select Recommended settings to avoid manual adjustments

  • Emergency meetings’ numbers should be 2-3.
  • Emergency meetings’ cooldown time should be between 15 to 20 seconds.
  • Set the discussion time shorter, between 15 to 25 seconds.
  • Set the voting time longer, use this time to both discuss and vote, 60 to 120 seconds is decent.
  • Players’ speed should be between 1.25x to 1.5x.
  • Players can turn off the Confirm eject option, if turned off, it won’t show if the ejected player was an impostor or a crewmate. We prefer to keep it turned off, it will add more fun in the game.

Secondary settings

among us best gaming experience
  • Crewmates’ vision should be 1.25x
  • Impostors’ vision should be 1.5x
  • Kill cooldown time should be between 17.5 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Keep the kill distance radius short to avoid getting killed by the impostor due to unwanted desyncs.
  • Keep the visual tasks turned on to catch the impostors easily. If the impostor tries to fake a visual task while it is turned on, he will get caught easily by the crewmates.
  • If players want to give advantages to the crewmates, they can set the task numbers as low as possible. It will help the crewmates to finish the game faster by completing all tasks.
  • If players want to give advantages to the impostors, they can set the task numbers high. It will take time to be completed by the crewmates, so the impostors will get an upper hand. Players can also set task numbers high to run a match for a long time.
  • The tasks formation should be- 1 common task, 1 long task, and 2 or 3 short tasks.

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