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Apex Legends Mobile Guide: Evo Shield and Body Shield explained

Know about the shields in the game

The Shields in Apex Legends Mobile are an important factor towards the victory of a player. Without them, the title would be similar to just another shooter game. While it is evident that Evo Shield is upgradable, players are often confused or are not even aware of the existence of Body Shield. In this article, we shall cover everything about the Evo Shield and Body Shield in Apex Legends Mobile.

Evo Shield in Apex Legends Mobile

Evo Shields are upgradable armors that absorb an amount of damage and protect the player from getting eliminated easily. It consists of 5 levels, Level 1 being the basic and Level 5 being the most protective Evo Shield. Let us now see the description of each Evo Shield in detail.

Evo Shield Apex legends MOBILE
Image via Electronic Arts
  • Level 1 (White) – Common Evo Shield (obtained after jumping from the dropship, absorbs 25 damage)
  • Level 2 (Blue) – Rare Evo Shield (required Evo Points: 150, absorbs 50 damage)
  • Level 3 (Purple) – Epic Evo Shield (required Evo Points: 550, absorbs 75 damage)
  • Level 5 (Red) – Mythic Evo Shield (required Evo Points: 900, absorbs 125 damage)

Evo Points are the points required to upgrade an Evo Shield to the next levels. The Evo Points push players to take up fights as they can only be obtained by dealing damage to enemies. The Level 4 Shield has been left out to be explained below.

Body Shield in Apex Legends Mobile

The Level 4 Shield is known as Body Shield, which differs from the Evo Shields. Evo Shields solely bring an extra coating of armor to a player, whereas Body Shields allow players to have an upgrade in healing, apart from the 100 damage it absorbs. In simple terms, players can now heal double the amount of HP or Shields on consuming a Syringe or Shield Cell respectively, when a Body Shield is in possession.

Apex Legends Mobile Body Shield
Image via Electronics Arts

It is in Level 4 as it works better than the Level 3 Evo Shield, but slightly loses to the Level 5 Evo Shield, which is the best protective Shield in the game. Body Shields are gold in color and are not upgradable. Hence, on acquiring the required Evo Points, players with the Level 3 Evo Shield will directly upgrade to the Level 5 Evo Shield. The Body Shield can be obtained from ground loot, Supply Bins, and drops.

Final Thoughts

Due to the presence of Evo and Body Shields, there is a large time-to-kill gap in Apex Legends Mobile, which brings a completely different style of play compared to some other FPS games. This new style of play could perhaps bring in unseen talent in the competitive circuit as well as the rank leaderboards. 

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