
Clash of Clans: How to beat the Goblin Queen Challenge

Time to beat the challenge!

The June 2023 season of Clash of Clans has arrived which brings the theme of the notorious greens to the game. The first challenge event of this season, the Goblin Queen Challenge, is now live in the game, with yet another interesting base to complete a 3-star attack in Clash of Clans. Of course, many gamers would love to break it down for which we have devised strategies to effectively beat this base.

Introducing the Goblin Queen Challenge in Clash of Clans

If you want to understand whether the base is a tough nut to crack, just see the troop combination you have. Town Hall 13 with two Scattershots and Eagle Artilleries making it something to notice. However, the troops provided are really effective for any base, and can easily help you three-star this base if you use your strategies right.

Goblin Queen Challenge Clash of Clans
Image via Supercell

The rewarding pattern is similar to all the previous challenges, but when we consider the loot, it is all good for the players. Along with the extra resources that are provided, players can gain 400 XP, 25 Gems, and five Wall Rings.

How to beat the Goblin Queen Challenge in Clash of Clans

With the troop combination present, it is important to utilize the heroes to the fullest. Also, traps are plenty that get triggered, so the strategy should also involve getting rid of the traps, with the help of the minions and balloons.

Goblin Queen strategy challenge
Image via Supercell

If you check the base clearly, there are some instructions given in the base itself. There are letters with the help of the walls on four sides of the base. They are read as G, Q, H, and K. So, this stands for Goblins, Queen, Hogs, and King, and guess what? All these are there in your army composition! So, following this cheeky trick suggested, we shall attack this base.

On the “G” side, break the compartment to make way for your Goblins. For the same, deploy one Super Wallbreaker, and drop one Goblin to trigger the spell towers. On the other three sides of the base, deploy three minions or three balloons to trigger all the air traps alongside the tornado traps. you can check the traps with a dummy attack before going for the kill.

Once the traps are triggered and the spell towers have allowed down, deploy your Sneaky Goblins to the Town Hall which will not take long to be destroyed. Once this is done, the Queen Walk from the “Q” and breaks a compartment to make way for the Queen. The Castle troops can be taken out here with the Poison Spell.

Goblin Queen strategy challenge
Image via Supercell

Rage the Queen if she’s taking too much damage so that you can keep the ability intact. You can hold onto another Wall Breaker in case the Quen drifts wide or else use it in the next step. At the “K”, deploy the Barbarian King. Let him clear the outside buildings and if you have a Wall Breaker, use it on that side.

On the “H”, deploy your Seige, Hog Riders, and the Grand Warden, switched to ground, behind them. Deploy the Royal Champion. Freeze the Eagle Artillery + Scattershots cluster to avoid your Hogs taking the damage, while also healing them in that area. Royal Champion can be deployed alongside the Queen or behind the Hogs, depending on how you want it.

The rest of the minions can be deployed surrounding the base, and the Freeze spell can be used to counter the Single Inferno Tower, Scattershots, and the Heroes in the middle. Rage your troops accordingly, and the rest will be taken care of by the troops for an easy three-star attack. The base isn’t easy to directly attack without planning, so following a distinct strategy is important.

That’s all for the Goblin Queen Challenge guide. Time to get your three-star!

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