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Cookie Run: Kingdom Wildberry Cookie Guide: How to unlock, Best Toppings, and more

Tips to use the Wildberry Cookie efficiently in the game!

A new cookie has been released in the Cookie Run Kingdom! He’s available in his own featured gacha banner, where players get an increased chance of getting him. The banner runs for 41 days, so you can get him from there until June 13, 2022 (+9:00 GMT). If you’re lucky, you can get him from the normal banner too, and soulstones for him might pop up in the Arena Medal Shop from time to time. In this Cookie Run Kingdom piece, we will look at the tips to use Wildberry cookies.

If you want to get him, this is your best chance, since he won’t be available in the Mileage Shop for at least an update or two. If you have a lot of crystals saved up, try getting multiple copies of him in the featured banner so you can get some promotion rewards for him in a few weeks.

Out of all the past cookies, Wildberry is most similar to Gingerbrave Cookie and Strawberry Crepe Cookie. Like Gingerbrave, he rams into the enemy team and stuns them for a moment, except Wildberry deals a lot more damage! He’s a great attacker despite being a defensive cookie.

Wildberry cookie's skill
Image via Devsisters

Similar to Strawberry Crepe Cookie, Wildberry provides an additional 15% DMG Resist to his allies for a short amount of time. While Strawberry Crepe provides a bigger boost (50% DMG Resist) Wildberry provides a useful stun along with an offensive attack, so most players opt for Wildberry instead. He’s quickly becoming a favorite in Arena, and some top players use him for their Alliance runs too for his extra DMG Resist.

Like all tanks, there are some cookies that are useful for defeating him. A common strategy to use against teams with Wildberry is a Sorbet Front comp, which usually consists of Sorbet Shark, Frost Queen, Pumpkin Pie, Cotton, and Parfait.

The idea is for Sorbet Shark to slowly but surely beat the enemy fronts (Sorbet Shark is one of the best cookies for defeating tanks), Frost Queen to stall the other team as frequently as possible, and Pumpkin Pie for her reduced healing (she summons a creature that lowers the nearby cookie’s received healing by 40%), Cotton for her heals and stuns, and Parfait for her 40% Debuff Resist, keeping your team safe from debuffs that the other team might have.

Generally, Wildberry Cookie uses either Swift Chocolate or Whole Almonds.

1. Swift Chocolate Topping

Using a full Swift Chocolate topping set on Wildberry Cookie lets him use his skills as frequently as possible. This also gives him a 2-second start. If you’re planning on using a mixed set on him with Swift Chocolates and Whole Almonds, make sure you have a 16.7% cooldown on his toppings since this is the minimum cooldown requirement for a 2-second skill start.

Image via Devsisters

On mixed sets, you’d want to have as many DMG Resist substats as possible too, since he’s a Defense cookie and is always positioned at the front. This means he’ll soak up most of the damage from the other team, so if you’re not giving him enough protection then he can get defeated easily, leaving the rest of your team defenceless. For reference, a set with 3 Swift Chocolates and 2 Whole Almonds can provide up to 38.2% DMG Resist, but realistically the highest you can get is around 30%.

Note that a single maxed Epic Swift Chocolate topping provides 3% CD, and the maximum cooldown substate you can get on a topping is 2%. This means that for a mixed set that contains 3 Swift Chocolate toppings, you’ll need an extra 7.7% total CD in substats alone. If you’re a newer player without a lot of good toppings, it’s a lot better to go for a full set instead of a mixed one.

2. Whole Almonds Topping

Whole Almonds
Image via Devsisters

For a more defensive build, you can put Whole Almonds on him. A full Whole Almonds set provides 20.5% DMG Resist, and an additional 5%  from the set effect bonus, totalling up to 25.5%. Since the maximum DMG Resist, you can get from toppings substats is 6%, in theory, you can have 50.5% DMG Resist on Wildberry. However, most experienced players settle for around 45% to 49%, since it’s hard to get good topping substats.

Other Topping substats

Since Wildberry is a front cookie, these substats would be good to have on him:

  • DMG Resist
  • Crit Resist
  • DEF
  • HP

However, unlike Whole Almonds (DMG Resist), the other substats are only good as a “bonus” to your cookie, instead of being your main focus. Other substats that are nice to have on Wildberry is ATK, CRIT, and sometimes ATK Speed.

ATK Speed is useful if you’re using Wildberry with Caramel Arrow Cookie, and you’re using the Enchanted Librarian’s Robes. Since Wildberry is almost always the first cookie to attack in any given team, extra ATK Speed (make sure they’re one of the two cookies with the highest ATK Speed in your team, with the other cookie being Caramel Arrow) on him plus the Robes treasure’s effect would make him attack faster than an enemy Wildberry.

This is especially useful since Wildberry stuns the other team, and if your Wildberry goes first then you’ll have a superior advantage to the other team. You’ll be dealing damage to the enemy team while they’re stunned and can’t fight back. Another thing to note is that while Searing Raspberries and Juicy Apple Jellies are some of the best toppings in the game, they are not suitable for Wildberry Cookie.

Wildberry is one of the best cookies to use in Arena at the moment, and it’s hard to find players in Masters and Grandmasters that don’t have him in their team. There are many great teams to use him with at the moment, with some examples being:

Final Thoughts
Image via Devsisters

1. Wildberry Comp: Wildberry, Caramel Arrow, Pomegranate, Eclair, Herb

This is one of the common comps and is easy to build since it only has Epic Cookies. Pomegranate and Herb help keep the team alive, while the rest of your cookies deal damage to the enemy team. Try to use as many DMG Resist substats on your team as you can.

2. Quad Front Team: Wildberry, Madeleine, Dark Cacao, Caramel Arrow, Pomegranate (the last one can be replaced with Eclair, Parfait, or Herb)

This comp is for more advanced players and will require you to have Dark Cacao, an Ancient Cookie. While this team only has one healer, this team has 4 front cookies to make up for it, providing a heavy defence while also dealing with great attacks. These 4 cookies are one of the most offensive tanks in the game, and Pomegranate being in your team just helps boost their damage more.

What are your thoughts on our Cookie Run Kingdom guide on the Wildberry Cookie? Let us know your opinions in the comments below!

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